As one Colonel said after watching his unit performs under stress in the Urban Warfare Center. “I am sure glad I got to see the strong and the weak in my unit before we deployed”. What a tool for commanders to “benchmark” the troops before they hit the field. Where more training is needed to increase confidence and correct motor skill responses to stress, the individual or unit can then get train up those skills before they deploy and need them in a real fight.

We were hopeful that this simple methodology of Inducing, Identifying and Indoctrinating folks on stress prior to deployments will become commonplace and standardized with all friendly armed forces. We have trained hundreds of soldiers and airmen using this process. Success is in the safe return of those very units and individuals to their families. 

One combat veteran of our program found me at a trade show and made a simple but powerful statement about the effectiveness of the facility, methods and tools. He said that "He and his unit were able to get into the fight quicker and be more productive under pressure as a result of attending the Combat Stress Program."

In the words of a recent commanding officer that attended the program as an active participant:  

“What an experience! Pain/fear was very effective in molding us into a better team in a short amount of time. We all gained a new respect for each other. For one day it didn't matter who out ranked who or how much money anyone made. We were all on the same level and no one could do it alone. You had to trust others and you knew others were depending on you. What a great experience to walk away from with out actually being in Iraq or Afghanistan.  What a superb team of trainers…Great guys! They knew what they were doing and how to get it across to us. Great feedback sessions!”