Burlington Township School District offers breakfast in all buildings. Student's meal accounts will be changed for breakfast similar to the way lunch is charged. Please use the New Lunchtime System to set up email notifications about your child's account balance.
Parents must OPT-IN to breakfast participation at B. Bernice Young School if they wish for their child to be served breakfast if desired. This agreement is completed through the Annual Online Information Update (Ecollect forms in PowerSchool Parent Portal). Breakfast is served in class from approximately 9:00 am to 9:15 am.
Parents must OPT-OUT of breakfast participation at Fountain Woods Elementary School if they do not wish for their child to be served breakfast if desired. This agreement is completed through the Annual Online Information Update (Ecollect forms in PowerSchool Parent Portal).
Parents of students at Burlington Township Middle School and Burlington Township High School may restrict breakfast participation for their students by contacting the cafeteria at their child's school.