Chapter Bylaws

Academic Requirements

Members must maintain a cumulative overall GPA of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale, and a cumulative 'A' average in their career major. Members must remain suspension free, must not exceed the maximum number of absences allowed per the updated district attendance policy. Members must not commit any incidences of academic fraud, which includes but is not limited to, plagiarism, cheating, multiple submissions of an academic work, etc.

Chapter Service Project

NTHS Medford volunteers at the Ronald McDonald House of South Jersey multiple times per year, during the regular school day. Members are required to attend at least one of these trips. They will assist with bringing donation items, preparing and serving lunch, and interacting with the families and children who are staying at the house. Members are also expected to participate in Discovery Night and/or Career and Technical Education week. Hours accumulated from chapter service projects are NOT to be used for community service requirements.

Community Service and Volunteer Requirements

(Referred to as 'Service')

To maintain good standing as a member, students must complete 10 hours of career related community service or volunteering per membership year. Written documentation from the individual in charge of the service activity must be provided for verification. This can be a signed document or an official email saved as a PDF. If proper documentation is not provided, service hours will not be counted. If a junior member fails to complete the minimum number of service hours, they will be required to complete the missing hours their senior year, in addition to the mandatory 10. The service log form is found on the "Community Service" section of this website and must be turned in by June 1st of the membership year.

Any member not reaching the organization’s goal of community service requirement per year of membership by graduation will lose graduation privileges, which include wearing the following honored items: NTHS cords, tassels and diploma stickers.

Community service and volunteering must directly relate to the member's individual career major, and must be first approved by NTHS advisers. School sponsored activities may be accepted with permission from the NTHS advisers. Participation in Discovery Night , Career and Technical Education week or other chapter sponsored events will NOT be acceptable community service activities, as they are required for membership.

Community Service is defined as services volunteered by individuals or an organization to benefit a community or its institutions without any compensation, monetary or otherwise.

Volunteering is an altruistic activity where an individual or group provides services for no financial or social gain to benefit another person, group or organization.

Service activities are NOT selling to raise money to offset costs for the organization or individuals of the organization, such as field trip costs. Any community service for fundraising must be for school sponsored/honor society endorsed projects or organizations whose money is going directly to a non-for-profit foundation/cause.

Service is not helping a teacher grade papers or organize materials, unless it is for a school sponsored/honor society endorsed community service project.

Service is not completing projects for your career major teacher during regular class time.

The following are considered acceptable times for completing community service during the school day: students’ scheduled lunch times; 30 minutes before and after school; school sponsored/honor society endorsed field trips; activity period.


NTHS will meet monthly during scheduled activity periods. Members are required to be present at all meetings; only three excused absences are permitted per year. Officers must be present at all meetings with no exceptions. NTHS advisers must approve all absences. Failure to uphold this standard may result in loss of graduation privileges or dismissal from the organization.

Graduation Honor Requirements

Full graduation honors include wearing an NTHS stole, honor cords, and tassel during the graduation ceremony. In addition, members receive a portfolio which includes a certificate and pin for fulfilling obligations to the organization. Meeting all requirements for each membership year gives members this privilege.


Complete the 10 hours of community service, one chapter service project, and Discovery Night or CTE Week, per year by May of Senior year.

Never had more than three unexcused meeting absences per year.

Have remained suspension free and have not had any incidences of academic fraud, as defined in the above paragraphs outlining the academic and non-academic requirements.

Up to date on all chapter dues.


Not adhering to any of the above-mentioned policies could result in probation action. Students placed on probation will have a letter sent home to parents/guardians informing them of the reason. The letter will have guidelines on how to rectify the issue to be removed from probation. If a student does not correct the issue, they can be dismissed from the organization. Furthermore, the national organization will be notified of your dismissal.

By-Laws of the National Technical Honor Society


Believing that outstanding student effort and achievement should be rewarded and encouraged, and seeking to cultivate the ideals of scholastic excellence, service and leadership in our citizens of tomorrow, the governing officers of the National Technical Honor Society have established this organization for the promotion of these ideals.


The purposes of this organization shall be:

(1) to promote the ideals of honesty, service, leadership, and skill development among America’s future workforce;

(2) to reward scholastic achievement in career and technical education and to award scholarships;

(3) to assist Society Members in their pursuit of career and educational goals;

(4) to help to build and maintain a stronger, more positive image for career and technical students, programs and schools in the local community and throughout the nation;

(5) to encourage the practice of high standards of personal and professional conduct and individual responsibility among the membership;

(6) to help member schools to initiate and maintain strong working partnerships with local institutions of business, industry and commerce;

(7) to hold conferences, workshops and seminars for the education and mutual improvement of the members and to provide opportunity for the exchange of ideas and experiences through meetings, publications and research; and

(8) to advance the growth and ideals of the Society throughout the United States of America.


SECTION 1. The National Officers of this organization shall be: the President of the Board, the President Elect, the Immediate Past President, Financial Committee Chair and Historian. The President of the Board shall hold office for two successive years. The President-Elect shall be elected the year immediately prior to assuming the office of President by the National Board at its regular annual meeting, and shall automatically succeed to the office of Board President.

SECTION 2. The National Technical Honor Society shall be governed by the National Board of Directors and shall be advised by the State Coordinating Councils.

SECTION 3. The National Board of Directors shall be made up of four career-technical educators, a state director of career technical education, a college educator, six representatives from business, industry, or commerce, four at-large representatives, Financial Committee Chair

and the Historian. All Board members should be persons who are fully committed to the furtherance of the purposes of NTHS. The National Executive Director shall serve as an ex-officio member of the Board. The co-founders of the National Technical Honor Society, C. Allen Powell and Patricia S. Poteat, upon retirement, may serve as ex-officio (non-voting) members of the national board of directors until such time as they may choose to resign from the board or until their death.

SECTION 4. All National Board members, with the exception of the Financial Committee Chair and the Historian shall be elected to a four-year term with the exception of the office of President. The terms of the Board Treasurer and the NTHS Historian shall be at the pleasure of the Board and not subject to the four-year rotation. Any former Board member may be eligible to return after one year’s absence from the Board if re-elected.

SECTION 5. The National Board of Directors shall elect a candidate to fill an unexpired term. A member who has filled an unexpired term may be immediately elected to serve a four-year term.

SECTION 6. The National Board of Directors shall meet at least once a year at such time and place as shall have been fixed at the preceding meeting of the Board or as called by the Executive Officers of the Board. The Executive Committee shall meet four times per year.

SECTION 7. It shall be the duty of the National Board of Directors to adopt all general membership and fiscal policies, to approve the annual proposed budget, to review the organization’s annual financial audit, to assist in the development and expansion of the organization, and to review the progress of the organization at its annual meeting.

SECTION 8. The National Board of Directors shall set up such organizational committees as shall be necessary for the proper supervision and direction of the affairs of the organization.


SECTION 1. The Executive Committee may act in place and stead of the National Board of Directors between meetings on all matters, except those specifically reserved to the Board by these bylaws. The Executive Committee shall oversee the financial affairs of the Society and shall report its actions to the National Board of Directors by mail or at the next meeting of the Board.

SECTION 2. The Executive Committee shall consist of the Board President, President-elect, Immediate Past President, Financial Committee Chair, and the NTHS Historian. The National Executive Director shall serve as an ex-officio member of the Executive Committee.

SECTION 3. A majority of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum at any duly called meeting of the Committee. The Board President shall call such meetings as the business of the Society may require.

SECTION 4. Any vacancy occurring on the Executive Committee shall be filled by appointment to the Committee by the Board President. This appointment shall be temporary and shall be filled by an active National Board Member who has served on the National Board for two or more years. This temporary appointment must be ratified or another Board Member appointed to this position by the National Board at its next meeting.


SECTION 1. The National Board of Directors shall employ a salaried executive director who shall have the title of National Executive Director and whose terms and conditions of employment shall be specified by the Board. The Executive Committee is designated the authority to conduct an annual performance evaluation and to determine the ongoing compensation and other financial arrangements for the Executive Director. Such information will be reported to the Board of Directors.

SECTION 2. The Executive Director shall manage and direct all activities of the Society subject to the policies of the Board of Directors. The Executive Director may employ and terminate the employment of members of the staff necessary to carry on the work of the Society and fix their

compensation and benefits within the approved budget. The Executive Director shall define the duties of the staff, supervise their performance, establish their titles and shall delegate those responsibilities of management as shall be in the best interest of the Society.


SECTION 1. The State Coordinating Councils shall be made up of individuals who are committed to the furtherance of the purposes of the National Technical Honor Society and support its policies and bylaws. These persons may be educators, business, industry, or service professionals who have demonstrated a sincere concern for the advancement of career/technical students, programs and institutions in their local community. One-half of the members of the State Coordinating Councils shall be persons actively serving as NTHS Advisors to a local NTHS Chapter. The tenure for the members of the State Coordinating Councils shall be determined by the State Coordinating Councils and members shall elect their own officers and describe their terms and responsibilities.

SECTION 2. The primary function of the State Coordinating Councils shall be to work in harmony with the National Board and its officers to provide the best resources to the NTHS Members within the state. The State Coordinating Councils shall work with the National Office to plan and carry out programs, conferences, meetings and activities which will be in the best interest of the state’s membership and its schools. The State Coordinating Councils shall meet at least once a year.


SECTION 1. Any institution or school which offers programs in workforce (i.e., occupational, career or technical) education and which is properly accredited or licensed by municipal, state, federal or regional accrediting agencies shall be eligible for a chapter of NTHS so long as the school agrees to comply with the requirements set forth in the bylaws of the Society and its stated purposes.

SECTION 2. There shall be issued to each chapter qualifying for affiliation with NTHS an official charter which shall attest to its status and which authorizes said NTHS Chapter to elect members into the Society. This charter shall carry the name, seal, motto and insignia of the organization and bear the signature of the President of the National Board and the National Executive Director.

SECTION 3. The school’s NTHS Chapter shall be under the direct jurisdiction and supervision of the local school administration, its designees, and its elected officers except as to matters

pertaining to NTHS Board policy or provisions contained within the bylaws of the Society. The local NTHS Chapter Advisor and the membership shall take under advisement matters relating to local chapter operation, local service projects and activities.

SECTION 4. The NTHS Chapter shall, at all times, agree to promote the ideals, purposes and objectives of the Society within the local community, and the school’s NTHS Chapter shall strive to maintain an active and growing membership.


SECTION 1. Membership in the Society and the local NTHS Chapter shall be composed of persons who are enrolled in workforce education programs or majors, and who shall qualify for membership according to the regulations of the Society and the local NTHS Chapter. Members may be from any and/or all occupational departments, programs or majors within the institution and must have been duly approved by the local school administration.

A. Individuals under consideration as candidates for the Society shall be selected based upon the following characteristics which the candidate regularly exhibits and which have been observed by his/her instructor(s):

(a) a desire to pursue a career in his/her course of study,

(b) scholastic achievement,

(c) honesty,

(d) dependability,

(e) responsibility,

(f) high quality task performance and pride in work performed,

(g) cooperation and ability to work well with others,

(h) interest in learning,

(I) initiative,

(j) leadership, and

(k) citizenship.

B. The National Board of Directors is confident that education professionals understand local conditions and recognize what qualities, skills and characteristics best represent educational excellence within their own community. Therefore, it is important to the Society that it be within the province of the school’s faculty and administration to establish and to maintain specific academic standards for local chapter membership.

C. At no time shall membership in the Society make it incumbent upon a member to alter his/her religious, social, ethnic or political ideals, beliefs or affiliations. Membership selection shall be made, at all times, without regard to age, race handicapping condition, creed,

national origin, or sex of the individual candidate for membership. Additionally, any special, local membership requirements shall, if established, be in agreement with the standards and objectives of the Society and these bylaws.

D. Each member in the National Technical Honor Society shall be issued an official certificate of membership which shall bear the name, insignia of the Society and which shall be signed by the President of the National Board of Directors, National Executive Director, the local NTHS Chapter Advisor, and the administrative head of the institution. The member shall also receive the official membership pin, card, decal, official insignia tassel and the official NTHS seal to be attached to the member’s diploma, degree or training certificate.

E. After the candidate has been nominated and duly elected into membership, and after the membership certificate has been received, he/she shall subscribe to, or consent to abide by the following NTHS Pledge of Membership: "As a member of the National Technical Honor Society, I pledge to maintain the highest standard of personal conduct. I will apply myself to continue a record of scholastic achievement, and I will strive for excellence in all aspects of my education. I will invest my talents, my skills and my knowledge in a career of my own choosing, and shall always endeavor to uphold my obligations as a citizen of my community and my country."

F. The local chapter is encouraged to implement an induction program for the new NTHS membership. The nature of the induction ceremony shall be determined by the local faculty and administration and conducted in order to bring maximum recognition to the school’s outstanding students. The NTHS membership induction should contain:

(1) the statement of the purposes of the Society,

(2) the administration of the NTHS Pledge of Membership, and

(3) the presentation of membership certificates, pins, etc. (Assistance and suggested program ideas are available from the National Office.)

The National Technical Honor Society is a merit organization; therefore, members who fail to maintain the required record of scholastic achievement or whose conduct is unbecoming to the Society and its stated purposes may be placed on probationary status for a specified period of time by their advisor and the administrative head of the school. Should a member be placed on probation, it should be clearly explained to the member why this action as necessary and under what conditions he/she may be returned to the membership. Such action shall be in accordance with these bylaws. Furthermore, any member who fails to maintain the required record of scholastic achievement or whose conduct is unbecoming to the Society and its stated purposes may be removed for cause from membership by the administrative head of the institution. The member should be advised by the administration why the action for membership removal was necessary. The secretary of the local NTHS Chapter shall immediately notify the National Office in writing concerning this action. Such action to remove membership privileges shall not be discriminatory. A member may be reinstated into membership with no additional fee, provided he/she achieves a satisfactory record of performance as determined by the administrative head of the school. Any such action to reinstate a member whose membership has been revoked must be approved by the administrative head of the school and reported promptly to the National Office.


SECTION 1. The officers of each local chapter shall be: president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer. These officers shall be elected by the membership of the local chapter and shall hold office for one year. The local chapter secretary shall report the names and titles of the newly elected officers to the National Office following the annual election.

SECTION 2. Should office vacancies occur, the chapter shall elect replacement officers according to its own bylaws and notify the National Office.

SECTION 3. Since in many institutions there may be more than one group of students attending at different times during the day, the school’s chief administrative officer may organize the chapter and officer elections to best satisfy the needs of that institution. The National Office will record the names of one group of officers per chapter, per year as submitted by the local chapter secretary and as attested to by the local administration.


SECTION 1. The president of the local chapter shall cooperate with the chapter advisor, the administrative head of the institution, and with the chapter executive committee to supervise the local chapter, determine policy and conduct the general activities of the chapter. The president will preside at all meetings, appoint committees and shall represent the chapter at official organization gatherings.

SECTION 2. The vice-president shall service in the president’s absence, act as general assistant to the chapter president, and chair the executive committee.

SECTION 3. The secretary shall keep all chapter records, minutes and carry on the correspondence of the local chapter.

SECTION 4. The treasurer shall have general charge of the finances of the local chapter under the supervision and approval of the local school administration and the advisor. All financial transactions must comply with local school policy. The offices of secretary and treasurer may be combined as secretary-treasurer at the pleasure of the local chapter membership or by the school administration.


SECTION 1. There shall be the following standing committees for each local chapter, appointed by the president and approved by the local chapter advisor and school administration.

A. The executive committee shall consist of the elected chapter officers and the chapter advisor. The purpose of this committee shall be to assist the president in the general management of the local chapter.

B. The program committee shall plan and supervise chapter programs and activities and under the guidance of the NTHS Advisor.


SECTION 1. The work and activities of the local chapter shall be carried out under the supervision and guidance of the NTHS Advisor. The advisor shall be appointed by the school

administration or selected by the membership subject to he approval of the school dministration. The advisor should be an individual who is committed to the furtherance of the purposes of the Society and who supports its bylaws and policy.

SECTION 2. The chapter advisor shall be responsible for the regular supervision of the chapter and act as liaison between faculty, administration, students and the community.

SECTION 3. The chapter advisor shall maintain the local membership records, the chapter history and the local chapter’s activities.

SECTION 4. The advisor shall supervise the chapter’s financial transactions and help the chapter officers understand and carry out their duties.


SECTION 1. Each local chapter shall have regular meetings during the school year on days designated by the executive committee and in accordance with school policy.

SECTION 2. Special called meetings or meetings for social activities must be approved by the advisor and school administration and should be properly supervised.

SECTION 3. Local chapters shall conduct meetings according to Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised in all points not expressly provided for in these bylaws.


SECTION 1. Bylaws for the local chapter may be adopted to help regulate and govern the local chapter provided these bylaws are within the scope, purposes and bylaws of the National Technical Honor Society.


SECTION 1. Any chapter, which shall fail to carry out the provisions of the bylaws of the Society, or which shall conduct itself in such a way as to impede the progress and purposes of the national organization shall be required to forfeit its charter.

SECTION 2. The local administration shall be notified in writing by the National Executive Director should this action be necessary.

SECTION 3. Should the local institution see fit to forfeit its charter, the National Office will register such forfeiturevonly upon receipt of the written direction of the administrative head of the school.


SECTION 1. There shall be held conventions of the members of the National Technical Honor Society at such time and place as determined necessary and justified by National Board of Directors. The convention shall be conducted under the supervision of the Executive Director and with the assistance and support of the State Board.


SECTION 1. The membership fee for each student member shall be set by the National Board of Directors. Membership fees are payable prior to installation into the local chapter.

SECTION 2. A transfer of membership from one member school to another chapter may be made without additional fees from the National Office. The chapter advisor shall submit a copy of the transferring member’s certificate of membership to the National Office for verification.


SECTION 1. The colors of the National Technical Honor Society shall be silver, white and purple.

SECTION 2. The official emblem of the organization shall be a shield crossed by a scroll bearing the letter "NTHS". Above the shield shall be the head of an American Bald Eagle with a wreath of seven stars circling the eagle’s head.

SECTION 3. The official insignia of the organization to be used on all charters, certificates, membership cards, documents and stationery shall be composed of the official NTHS emblem as set forth in Section 2 of this article as its central figure. It shall also include an arch upon which are inscribed the seven attributes of the membership, the year the Society was established, and with the motto of the organization inscribed on the foundation of the arch.

SECTION 4. The official motto of the organization shall be: "Felicitas Menti Instructae Favet" which translated reads: "Success Favors the Prepared Mind".


SECTION 1. The Bylaws of the National Technical Honor Society may be amended or altered by the National Board of Directors at any of its regular or called meetings by a two-third majority vote of the board members present.


SECTION 1. The National Technical Honor Society shall, upon dissolution of this said corporation, distribute its assets for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall distribute its assets to the federal government for a public purpose.


SECTION 1. Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly Revised, has been accepted and is recommended by the National Board of Directors as the standard for matters of procedure for local, state and national activities of the National Technical Honor Society.

Revised: 07-25-15