Transfigure: Computer Literacy

Since we live in contemporary society, computer literacy is one of the skills that kids must learn. It is the bridge that will allow pupils to pursue their full potential.

That is why the Mathematics Society organized a project in which volunteers from the BS Math in all specializations assisted children from the Ephesus Home of Mary and Joseph Inc. They hope to assist students in comprehending mathematical ideas that underpin technology because they believe it will considerably increase their ability to be responsible and disciplined Bulacan State University students. It occurred on February 23, 2019, between 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. till 5:00 p.m. They performed a variety of things, such as computer training, tutorials, and a post-Day Valentine's treat party, so the kids could learn about these things while having fun.

The organization is not only concerned with academics, but also with passing on its expertise to the future generation. Being computer literate is vital since it offers up additional work options and improves their professionalism in the long run. Despite the fact that their surroundings are not technologically advanced, this initiative demonstrates that the Mathematics Society is not just linear in its major aims, but that they are also adaptable, and that no matter what your status in life, they will always be here for you.