Thesis It: Delving into Research' How Tos

Academic writing provides a central role in fostering one's learning wherein it aims to persuade, synthesize and inform the readers of significant observation and research findings. This school year of 2021-2022, the Mathematics Society (Mathsoc) Organization has prepared a webinar that would assist the College of Science's students to formulate an appropriate scheme for a factual academic paper. In line with this, the event was held last November 13, 2021, on a Saturday, from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm, targeting a specific audience from the 4th year BS Mathematics Students of Bulacan State University (Main Campus) La Consolacion University Philippines – Malolos. Additionally, two different online video applications were utilized for which the Google Meet and Facebook live were open to the said viewers and the other MathSoc Organization members.

Our dear officers, specifically the Internal Vice President, Joshua P. Valeroso and the Public Information Committee Associate, Jay Mark H. Mendoza, exhibited their prowess as the masters of ceremony for the event. The program officially began with a doxology and presentation of the Philippine National Anthem, which the BulSU Saring Himig led; then, it is followed by an audiovisual presentation of the BulSU Hymn to commemorate the official anthem of the university. Meanwhile, the honorable OIC Dean, Dr. Edgardo M. Santos, generously gave the opening remarks that firmly inspired and boosted the spirit of each student. After that, an ice breaker was conducted by Gretchen B. Sison and Paul Miki M. Cruz from the Secretariat Committee. This served as a fun activity intended to encourage the Google Meet participants to engage with excitement. For the game itself, entitled "Rebus Puzzle," each winner with the overall total of ten received fifty pesos cash via Gcash.

Conversely, the program proper started with an introduction to the guest resource speaker, led by Calvin P. Eladia, the Education Associate of the organization, followed by the initial discussion from the Main Campus Director, Professor Armele J. Mangaran. The gist of the presentation centralized on the systematic suggested research guides that also includes tips in choosing relevant and feasible topics. Subsequently, queries were entertained in order to provide full clarifications about the said topic through an open forum segment, and the CS Band presented an intermission number. The awarding of certificates was given to recognise Professor Mangaran's effort in imparting fruitful knowledge and insights wherein Lionel C. Comission, a Graphic Design Associate, successfully filled the said part. To formally close the event, the Department Head of the Mathsoc Organization, Mr. Benedict M. Estrella, gave the final remarks. The event was eventually ended with an audiovisual presentation of the Bulsu March.

It is truly undeniable that events such as these foster the young minds of our students. Indeed, the program's relevance clarifies a specific area wherein students can apply different techniques in formulating an open yet specific presentation of a particular research discussion.