Building Math Minds towards Triumph

Sadly, many students are dubious about their chosen path, and sometimes, some of them are doubtful when they are near to entering the professional world. It is lucky to others if they are aware of their chosen career from the beginning. Because of this, the Mathematics Society (MathSoc) blew up a 3-part webinar series that will guide the students to look forward to their chosen fields as BS Mathematics students. Additionally, the project aims to inspire the students with the help of our resource speakers who have personally taken the path they wish to pursue. The project is entitled "Building Math Minds towards Triumph." It also consisted of three themes: Actuarial Science: The First Way to Ensure, Game Development: The Good of Games, and Statistics in the Real World: A Walk Through.

The three parts of the webinar also started with a doxology, which was followed by the BulSu Saring Himig, the Philippine National Anthem, and BulSU Hymn. The first part of the activity was held on January 7, 2022, from 1:00 – 4:00 in the afternoon and led by the organization's two industrious officers: Ms. Louise Kamil L. Yambao and Ms. Pauline Rea A. Dela Cruz. To add more spices to the event, the logistic committee of the organization prepared an ice breaker for the participants to win 50 pesos worth of load. Right from the start of the event, there was already an incredible and inspiring opening remark. It is a great honor and privilege to listen to the OIC-Dean of the College of Science – Dr. Edgardo M. Santos. Also, it was nice to be joined by two respectable people from the university: Dr. Erlinda Villamoran and Ms. Evelyn Camara. Afterward, the multimedia associate, Ms. Angel Mary De Jesus, introduced the prestigious Mr. Joseph Fabia as the resource speaker.

Mr. Fabia gave an exciting topic about Actuarial Science and being a Senior Manager in Actuarial and Analytics Division of Manulife Business Processing Services. The event was even more lively because of the intermission number by the CS Dancers and the question-and-answer part. The students threw their questions because of what they learned in discussion and curiosity in the world of work. Some of them showed their interest in following Mr. Fabia's path of being part of the Actuarial Science. The event was formally ended by the internal vice president of the organization – Mr. Joshua P. Valeroso.

The second part of the webinar was held on January 8, 2022, from 9:00 am - 12:00 noon. The program's masters of the ceremony were Ms. Clarisse Crisostomo and Mr. Diether E. Alday. The host looked back on their childhood games as the webinar is all about game development. Then, Ms. Lyka D. Marcelino gave her heartwarming introductory remarks. To provide students with more excitement, an ice breaker was facilitated by Mr. Christian Paolo Pascual and Ms. Rampel Jade Bautista to give five winners of 50 pesos worth of Gcash load.

Then, Mr. Jaymark Mendoza formally introduced the guest speaker, Mr. David Louie Roxas, a BS Mathematics alumnus and a Junior Game Developer at Dusk Waves Arts, LLC. He shared his knowledge on game development that caught students' attention and inspired them as well. An intermission number prepared by CS Band was played virtually, followed by the question-and-answer portion. The students started asking questions as they showed interest in the said topic. Ms. Anthonette M, Bandiez awarded the certificate of appreciation to Mr. David Louie Reyes. To formally end the second part of the webinar, Mr. Jaypee T. Alamin gave the closing remarks.

The last part of the webinar was held on January 8, 2022, from 1:00 – 4:00 in the afternoon that was led by Mr. Calvin P. Eladia and Mr. Darly A. Azura as masters of ceremony. Then, Mr. Benedict M. Estrella gave his meaningful opening remarks to the students. An ice breaker entitled "Sinetch Iteyp" was facilitated by Ms. Bealyn Aguliar and Ms. Anna Mae Tolentino, and there were also five winners of 50 pesos worth of Gcash load. Afterwards, Ms. Aleximeil Lucyl Mendoza introduced Mr. Randolph Se Sasota, as the guest speaker of the said event. Mr. Se Sasota is a Senior Science Research Specialist, DOST-Science Education Institution, and Senior Lecturer, UP Diliman. Because of an unexpected power interruption, Mr. Se Sasota could not share his prepared teaching live. Instead, he sent a video recording of himself from the past webinar that he had. Luckily, Mr. Se Sasota was able to join the Google Meet for the question-and-answer portion, where students asked their questions to understand the topic better. An intermission number prepared by BulSU Symphonic Band was played afterward. Then, Ms. Clarisse Crisostomo awarded the certificate of appreciation to Mr. Randolph Se Sasota, and Ms. Norie Lyn Dela Cruz ended the event with her sincerely closing remarks.