
Research Journal of the Graduate School of Bulacan State University

Print ISSN 1656-3514

Online ISSN 2980-4353

About the Journal

The "Lunday" journal is the official Research Journal of the Graduate School of Bulacan State University. It is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes articles of the Graduate School students and faculty in the area of English Language Studies, Public Administration, Physical Education, Industrial Technology Management, Engineering, Business Administration, Information Technology, and Education.

At the start of publication of the journal in the year 2019, it publishes research articles once a year, starting the year 2022, the "Lunday" journal will publish research articles twice a year.


Starting 2022, Lunday Journal publishes articles presented in the Graduate School Research Colloquium. Invited Panel Members are tasked to review the full paper submitted by the presenters. Papers will be sent back to the authors to make necessary corrections based on the result of the evaluation. The Editor-in-Chief of the journal will decide on the acceptance or rejection of the paper.


The Graduate School of Bulacan State University for almost forty-two years continuously produces competent graduates that are serving the community in various disciplines. Thesis/Dissertation is a major requirement to finish the degree. This also makes the graduates proud of themselves and give them a feeling of satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment after completing their paper. Theses and dissertations written by the graduates of the university will surely impact the community and help improve the lives of the people. These academic papers should not only lie on the shelves to catch dust but to be disseminated through presentations for further improvement.

In line with this, it is proposed that the graduating students of the Graduate School Department be engaged in research presentations and publications that will be a showcase for undergraduate research. The research colloquium has three main objectives which are: (1) share the results of their research with the larger academic community; (2) enliven the intellectual climate on campus; and (3) stimulate discussions and collaborations within and across disciplines. It also aims to expose the Graduate School students to the most current researches in their respective discipline. Each presenter will be given opportunity to share the findings of their paper and then have the opportunity to discuss the research with a session chair, the evaluation panel and finally to the audience.

The Graduate School will initiate an in-house research colloquium that will further recommend for local/international presentations within and outside the country. The following will be the proposed structure on the conduct of in-house presentation.

A. General Guidelines

Research Colloquium will be a venue for the graduating students to present the results of their study to the select audience of their discipline.

  1. All Graduate School students who have research output from any of their subjects may join in the research colloquium. A certification from the instructor is required as a proof that the study is part of the subject.

2. All students after finishing their final defense should participate in the research colloquium as a requirement for graduation.

3. Research papers will be classified for parallel sessions according to disciplines.

4. The Area Chairperson per programme will be assigned as the session chair and the other faculty in the program will be assigned as the members of the panel.

5. Research presentation guidelines will be provided to the presenters.

6. Best presenter and best paper awards will be chosen for each session.

7. Each session will be assigned with one session chair and two evaluation panel. Guidelines will be provided on this area.

8. All abstracts will be included in the invitation program of the event which be available to all the participants.

9. Students who are enrolled in thesis and dissertation writings are required to attend in the research colloquium, while other interested Graduate School students may also attend.

B. Registration

1. It is necessary to pre-register two weeks before the scheduled colloquium. A registration link will be provided to all Graduate School students.

2. The link will be closed after a week of its posting. Only those who registered will be included in the list of presenters.

3. Submit the abstract your study upon registration. The abstract must consist only of 150-200 words. Please use the template provided for your submission.

4. Graduate School students who registered must ensure their participation during the colloquium because spot will be allotted for those who registered and they will be part of the invitation programme.

C. Research Presentation

  1. Consider the presentation as a visual version of your paper. The presentation should include: a short intro, hypotheses/assumptions, brief description of the methods, tables and/or graphs related to your findings, an interpretation of your data, conclusion, and recommendations.

2. The presenter is encouraged to use a presentation tool (MS PowerPoint, Google Slides and others).

3. The mere act of presenting a paper does not imply that it will be addressed in its entirety.

The following should be the content of your presentation slides:

3.1 Title slide (1 slide). Title of the study, the name of the author, affiliation (Bulacan State University and school where employed if available), and the date of presentation

3.2 Introduction (2-3 slides). Describe why your work is noteworthy. Put the study in context: how does it connect to/follow from the scientific literature on the topic? Mention it here if it relates to any practical issues (e.g., environmental difficulties). Use some eye-catching visuals (photographs, drawings, etc.) to stimulate the audience's interest in the topic and questions you're discussing. Make your hypotheses explicit.

3.3 General and Specific Problems (1-2 slides). Present the problem of your study together with the questions to answers.

3.4 Materials and Methods (typically 2-3 slides). Discuss the methods utilized in your study, instrument to collect data, and the procedure on the conduct of the study. Mention also the scope and delimitation if the study.

3.5 Results (typically 2-4 slides). Show the tables/chart as part of the result of the study and a brief description. You do not need to discuss everything in the table/chart, mention only the highlights of the result.

3.6 Implications and Conclusion (2-3 slides). Interpret your results correctly. Address causes of inaccuracy and methodological problems in a constructive manner. Put your findings in perspective and draw conclusions from them.

3.7 Acknowledgments (1 slide). Thank anyone who provided advice or assistance. Verbally thank your audience for their attention and tell them you would be happy to answer any questions.

4. All presenters are encourage to speak about the paper and not simply read it. It takes a lot of practice to give an excellent presentation. A successful presentation is the result of a lot of practice. It is NOT by chance that you have a good, interesting presentation. They have been prepared and practiced.

5. Practice sharing your slides using Zoom or Google Meet to ensure a smooth flow of your presentation.

6. Time limit for each paper presentation will be 10 minutes followed by a 2 minute question period. This time limit must be strictly adhered to as the colloquium will be run on a very tight schedule. Presenters will be notify for the last 3 minutes and last 1 minutes of the presentation to give him/her time to make conclusion of the presentation.

7. Questions from the audience and other participants will not be entertained during the presentation.

8. The order of the presentation is according the programme of the colloquium.

9. Since the colloquium will be done virtually, ensure that your device, microphone and speakers are working properly. Any technical issues will cause delay in the time allotted to your presentation.

D. Full Paper Submission

1. Presenters are required to submit the full paper of their study one (1) week before the scheduled date of the presentation. A Google Form link will be provided for the submission.

2. The full paper should be in 6,000 to 10,000 words including references. (Please see Appendix A for the template of the format of the paper.

E. Guidelines for the Over-all Committee Members

1. The Over-all Committee Members consists of the following:

Over-all Chairperson: Dean of the Graduate School

Vice Chairpersons: College Secretary-Graduate School

Graduate School Director for Research, Extension, and Publication

Members: Area Chairpersons of all Programs

Technical Staff

2. Responsibility. The committee shall be responsible for

2.1 be responsible for proper dissemination of these guidelines a month before its implementation.

2.2 dissemination of information about the activity

2.3 ensure that the guidelines are properly implemented

2.4 prepare the invitation-programme for the event

2.5 prepare for all other documents for the conduct of the event

F. Guidelines for the Committee for each Program

1. The committee consists of the Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson and 2 Members.

2. The Area Chairperson of the each program will be assigned as the Chairperson of the committee. He/She will also be the one responsible to appoint the other members of the committee.

3. The following will be the role of each member of the committee:

3.1 Chairperson

3.1.1 Coordinates to the Over-all Chair of the Research Colloquium

3.1.2 Appoints other members of the committee from the program

3.1.3 Invites members of the panel members in their session and assign the Chairperson among the panel members (Please see Appendix B for the template of the invitation letter)

3.1.4 Assigns others tasks to the members of the committee aside from what is written in the guidelines

3.1.5 Coordinates to the GSSC Organization in their program to be part of the committee and assign tasks based on the needs of smooth flow of the session

3.2 Vice-Chairperson

3.2.1 Assists the Chairperson in the conduct of the colloquium

3.2.2 Prepares the list of the students who registered to be included in the invitation programme

3.3 Member 1

3.3.1 Assigns in the technical requirements of the colloquium

3.3.2 Assists the presenters in their presentation if necessary

3.3.3 Ensures that all devices and other peripherals are in the good working condition for a smooth flow of the session

3.3.4 Creates link for the session

3.4 Member 2

3.4.1 Assigns in the documentation report of the activity. (Please see Appendix C for the template of the Documentation Report.)

3.4.2 Provides copy of the full paper to the members of the panel

G. Selection of the Panel Members (Source University Research Manual, page 44)

The panel of evaluators shall consist of three (3) research experts. External evaluators may be invited.

H. Research Colloquium Awards (Source University Research Manual, page 44)

The following criteria shall be used in the Selection of Best Presenter and Best Paper.

1. Best Presenter

Articulateness in the delivery 20%

Knowledge of the study 30%

Confidence and naturalness 20%

during the presentation

Organization 20%

Time-sensitive 10%


2. Best Paper

Relevance to the regional/national issues and concerns 20%

Responsiveness to sociocultural/socioeconomic/ 20%

sociopolitical issues to address the needs of the community

Potential use of results for policy making/extension 20%


Validity of research based on empirical results 20%

and conclusions

Readability (grammar and organization of the manuscript) 20%


3. The following criteria shall be used in the Selection of Best Presenter and Best Paper.

4. The decision of the panel of evaluators shall be final and non-appealable.

Template for Abstract Submission