Nutrition & Wellness

The purpose of Bullitt County Public School’s Wellness Initiative is to ensure that all students in the district are provided a safe and healthy environment that promotes wellness through quality nutrition programs, health and physical education and physical activity that will enrich student learning and ensure success. We believe student health is closely associated with academic achievement, attendance and behavior, thus our students need to be striving for healthy lifestyles that will benefit them far beyond their educational years.

This initiative outlines the BCPS’s approach to ensuring environments and opportunities for all students to practice healthy eating and physical activity behaviors throughout the school day. Specifically, this initiative establishes goals and procedures to ensure that:

  • Students shall have access to healthy foods throughout the school day—both through reimbursable school meals and other foods available throughout the school campus—in accordance with Federal and state nutrition standards

  • Students shall receive quality nutrition education that helps them develop lifelong healthy eating behaviors

  • Students shall have opportunities to be physically active before, during, and after school

  • Schools shall engage in nutrition and physical activity promotion and other activities that promote student wellness

  • School staff shall be encouraged and supported to practice healthy nutrition and physical activity behaviors in and out of school

  • The community is engaged in supporting the work of the District in creating continuity between school and other settings for students and staff to practice lifelong healthy habits

  • The District establishes and maintains an infrastructure for management, oversight, implementation, communication about, and monitoring of the initiative and its established goals and objectives

The BCPS Wellness Initiative outlines the importance of nutrition and physical activity in our schools.

sy 18-19 nutrition physical activity report card.pdf

2019 Nutrition & Physical Activity Report Card

BullittCPSD_District Report_20201027.pdf

2020 Nutrition & Physical Activity Report Card


2021 Nutrition & Physical Activity Report Card