Naviance for Staff

How are we inspiring and equipping our students to succeed in life?

"Our job is not to prepare students for something. Our job is to help students prepare themselves for anything." -A.J. Juliani

What is Naviance and Why?

Naviance is a student-friendly platform in which our students can discover that interests, personal strengths, explore careers and colleges, apply for colleges, build resumes, request recommendation letters, learn about local and state scholarships, and much more. This platform is a "one-stop shop" for our BCPS students in Grades 6-12 to explore, plan, and implement their future plans as they navigate through middle school and high school.

Students have the opportunity to learn and explore independently and with the guidance of school counselors, college/career coaches, and teachers. Naviance has a full curriculum built inside already prepared that provides students with self-discovery assessments and activities that can be built upon inside and outside the school building. In addition, it also provides staff the opportunity to create customized surveys, gather information, and help guides students into chosen pathways all in one location. As we learn more about Naviance, it offers endless opportunities for our students to better understand and take control of their future.

BCPS Naviance Implementation Guidance

Naviance is a tool that allows students to manage and control their Individual Learning Plan requirements through the use of the Naviance curriculum and tasks. This allows counselors and teachers more time to work with students on their goals and pathways instead of creating assessments, surveys, etc. to meet state ILP requirements. Click the image to the right to learn about student ILP requirements inside of Naviance.

Individual Learning Plan (ILP) Requirements

Watch this video to learn about exciting new features of our Naviance platform!

Watch this video to learn how to set up all Repvisits for students virtually through Naviance on one location!

If you have questions on how you can use Naviance in your classroom, please contact your school Naviance Lead and/or team or ask one of your students to share what they are doing in Naviance.