
Are you LIFE ready?

Our mission is to inspire and equip our students to succeed in life

“We have to fail in order to succeed, and that's difficult because young people have fear of failure. The fact of the matter is I actually get paid to learn, and the only way to learn is to fail.“

-Bilal Bomani, Senior Research NASA Scientist

What is Naviance?

BCPS is excited about a new platform for our students in Grades 6-12 which will provide them an opportunity to learn about their own interests to discover their strengths, develop a roadmap of high school and college courses, explore future careers, identify postsecondary options, apply for scholarships and postsecondary schools. As we begin this Naviance journey at our middle and high schools, we look forward to learning along with our students to help them prepare for life. Naviance is a platform that gives students the power to learn about themselves, plan for their upcoming school years, and for their future after high school using the pre-built curriculum, assessments, and activities inside of the platform. Please reach out to your child's school if you have any questions.

BCPS está entusiasmado con una nueva plataforma para nuestros estudiantes en los grados 6-12 que les brindará la oportunidad de aprender sobre sus propios intereses para descubrir sus fortalezas, desarrollar una hoja de ruta de los cursos de la escuela secundaria y la universidad, explorar carreras futuras, identificar opciones postsecundarias, Solicite becas y escuelas postsecundarias. Al comenzar este viaje de Naviance en nuestras escuelas intermedias y secundarias, esperamos aprender junto con nuestros estudiantes para ayudarlos a prepararse para la vida. Naviance es una plataforma que brinda a los estudiantes el poder de aprender sobre sí mismos, planificar sus próximos años escolares y su futuro después de la escuela secundaria utilizando el plan de estudios, las evaluaciones y las actividades predefinidas dentro de la plataforma. Comuníquese con la escuela de su hijo si tiene alguna pregunta.

Watch this video to use Naviance in another language.

Mire este video para usar Naviance en otro idioma.

Naviance Update

Exciting News! Naviance has just been updated for a more user-friendly look and navigation. Watch the video to learn more about the changes.

Please contact one of our District Naviance Team Members below if you have questions.

Adrienne Usher, Assistant Superintendent for Student Learning

Dr. Lee Barger, Director of College/Career and Innovative Programs

Rachelle Bramlage-Schomburg, Director of Secondary Education

Jan Stone, Director of Data, Assessment, and Research

Kara Meredith, Administrative Assistant

Jennifer Fletcher, Special Education Instructional Coach

Melissa Speakman, NBHS School Counselor

Troy Kolb, Director of Special Education

Sarah Smith, Director of School Safety