Our Community Library

Located in Farnham Common, our small community library supports nearby areas including Farnham Royal, Hedgerley, Stoke Poges and Wexham.

In October 2011 Farnham Common became one of the first libraries within Buckinghamshire to transition to Community Library status, where all library services are organised and run by local volunteers.

Residents use the Farnham Common Community Library in the same way and on the same lending terms as any Buckinghamshire library.

Library members can continue to use the Buckinghamshire Libraries reservation service and be linked into a wider library network with access to 6 million books in 200 libraries across the South East through the consortium SELMS.

Management of the library

The Farnham Common Community Library is run entirely by local volunteers.

The Farnham Common Community Library is a UK Registered Charity - Number 1189181

The Management Committee of the Charity manages the operation of the library. Friends of the Library are the supporting membership of the Charity and appoint the charity’s Management Committee (Trustees)

Friends of Farnham Common Community Library (FCCL)

We need regular operating funds to provide our services to the local community and you can really help.

  • Become a Friend of the Library and make a regular subscription (we ask for a minimum of only £10 per year per person but we are very grateful to those who generously give more)

  • By making a donation.

  • If you are a tax payer and choose to Gift Aid your subscription or donation the Library will gain greater benefit.

  • By including the Library as a beneficiary in your will. Contact us for more details.

Please contact us on 01494 475580, email: contact.farnhamccl@gmail.com or print and fill in this Friends of FCCL form to become a Friend of FCCL.