Class Expectations

1. Show respect. Listening actively and respectfully to your peers is as important as sharing your ideas with the class. Treating others with respect even though you might disagree with their ideas is of utmost importance to me. Our classroom must be a safe place where all of us can freely express ourselves and learn as much as we can! No put-downs will be tolerated!

2. Take pride in your work; it is a reflection of you! If you do your best work, you will always make progress and your skills will improve. By doing your best, you can never fail.

3. Be engaged. Participate actively by listening to what others say, by trying your best in all activities and taking risks to do new things.

4. All homework, essays and projects should be turned in on time. Reading is very important and 20 minutes nightly is expected.

5. Communicate! Please talk to me if you need help, you don’t understand something or if there is a problem. My job is to help you to do your best work!