Advising and mentoring

Undergraduate Advising

I am an undergraduate advisor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. Anyone who is looking for advising information is welcome to come to my office hours or to email me with any questions. Answers to many questions can be found on our departmental advising page

Graduate Student and Postdoc Mentoring

I have been honored to mentor in various capacities many wonderful graduate students and postdocs, including Montie Avery (postdoc), Osman Chaudhary (former PhD student), Anthea Cheung (former PhD student), Lily Chou (former MA student), Eric Cooper (former PhD student), Cameron Edgar (PhD student), Alanna Haslam-Hyde (PhD student), Jonathan Jaquette (former postdoc), Tom McCauley (former PhD student), Kelly McQuighan (former postdoc), and Hannah Pieper (former PhD student).

I have also been a mentor for the Association of Women in Mathematics Mentor Network.  

If you would like to meet with me, either just to chat informally or to discuss the possibility of working together in a more official capacity, please email me or stop by my office hours