Project History

In late 2010, a fire severally damaged the building adjacent to the Blair American Legion Post 231, causing some water and smoke damage to the Legion building. After a structural inspection, it was determined that the cost to repair outweighed the residual value of the building, therefore; upon recommendation of the insurance company, the Blair Legion approved the complete demolition of the Legion building. This was done in 2011.  Prior to the demolition, numerous photos, plaques and other historical artifacts were moved and are currently being stored in the basement of the Blair City Hall building.

The artifacts were removed to the Blair City hall and were deemed to have local historical significance. After a brief discussion and unanimous support, Post 231 initiated a vision of a display at the Blair-Taylor School building.  The overall concept was developed based on the veterans display at the Independence and Whitehall School Districts. We wanted to both collect historical artifacts at a general level and recognize individual students for their service.

The Legion worked in conjunction with a community committee, which was assembled by the district administration in an effort to create displays to recognize the achievements of students and alumni, and was offered space in the commons area of the high school.

On Memorial Day, 2016, the Wall of Service was unveiled to a large crowd that had gathered together for the Memorial Day Service.

The overall project development and maintenance is a partnership between Legion 231 and the BTSD History Classes. Mr. Isaac Walters, a former B-T history teacher is maintaining and updating the display. He is also cataloging and storing any donated or loaned items at the school.