CTE Co-op Rules




Absences from School (Going to work and not to school)

If you are too ill to attend school, you are too ill to attend work.

  1. You may not go to work if you have missed any classes that day for any reason unless previous permission has been given by your coordinator.

  2. If it is determined that the student goes to work without going to school, the student will receive a 5% letter grade reduction at the end of the semester for each occurrence and is subject to disciplinary action and/or dropped from the program. Attendance is VERY IMPORTANT!

Excused absences from school and work

  1. Good attendance is required at school and work. If illness prevents you from attending school, it is the student’s responsibility to notify the coordinator (email) before 8:30 am and the employer at the beginning of business hours of operation. Failure in doing so will result in a grade reduction in the professional triad grade.

  2. Arrangements must be made in advance with the employer when field trips are taken.

In-School Detention, After-School Detention, Saturday Detentions, & Out-of-School Suspensions

      1. You must serve and attend, in full, any detention or suspension that you are assigned. Your employment and your responsibility to your employer are not and will not be considered as an excuse for exception from the above disciplinary actions.

      2. If you are serving an In-School Detention, you are to serve the detention until 3:25 pm, the entire school day.

      3. Out of school suspensions are considered unexcused absences and you will not be allowed to attend work on the day or days you are suspended. If you do attend work while serving an out of school suspension, you will receive a 5% letter grade reduction for each occurrence at the end of each triad. You must notify your employer so arrangements can be made to replace you during your suspension.


A student must be employed 70% of the semester or 14 weeks AND work at least 210 hours per semester AND receive a passing grade in the training station portion of the course to receive credit. Each co-op student has until the end of the 1st triad to find a job, after that time, the student will receive a failing grade on their co-op section of their grade for the semester. MUST HAVE A JOB BY SEPT 25, 2020

Getting Fired or Released from your Training Station

  1. If you are fired or released from your training station, you will receive an “F” for the triad for the work portion regardless of your classroom grade.

  2. You will have two weeks to find another place of employment. If you do not find such employment, you will be assigned a study hall if available. Each week that you are unemployed, you must supply the names, address, and phone numbers of those places in which you applied for a job. If you still do not have a job that fulfills the 70%, you may be removed from the program with an “F” for the semester.

  3. It is NOT the responsibility of the coordinator to assist or find employment for any student who is fired or released from the job.

Quitting or Changing Jobs

  1. You are NOT to quit or change jobs for the entire school year without a grade reduction or possibly failing the work grade.

  2. Depending on extreme circumstances, a student wishing to quit or change jobs MUST submit a written request stating the reason(s) for the desired change to the coordinator. This letter must include the signature of the student and parents. The coordinator will make the final decision.

  3. If permission is given by the coordinator, a two-week notice is required to give your present employer.

  4. There are no training station changes allowed during the last grading period of each semester regardless of the circumstance.

  5. Failure to obtain the above-prearranged written approval will be considered grounds for dismissal from the program, an “F” grade and loss of all credit for the semester.


  1. Parents or guardians will assume responsibility for the conduct and safety of the student from the time she or he leaves school until she or he reports to the training stations; likewise, from the time the student leaves work until they arrive home.

  2. Transportation to and from school (and café), work and home is the responsibility of the student.

Loitering on School Grounds After Dismissal From School

  1. You are expected to leave school grounds promptly after your last scheduled class and are not to return or be found on school property unless you have a proper validated and signed pass from a teacher or administrator.

Membership Responsibilities of the Co-op Program

The responsibilities of this program includes working in The Daily Grind, guest speakers, field trips, Allsup Elevator Competition and any fund raising efforts needed for these activities.

Placement in Training Stations

1. Students must be employed in training stations within the school district.

2. Exceptions must be approved by the coordinator and school administration prior to being hired.

3. Training stations must be marketing related jobs and approved by the coordinator.

Grade Earned in Training Station

  1. The grade earned for the training station portion of the course will be worth 1 credit per semester.

  2. Your training station grade will be determined by evaluations, pay stubs, weekly training stations, tardies, absences, professional triad grade and your supervisor and coordinator.

  3. The coordinator is responsible for giving the final grade.

Standards of Conduct and Disclosure: Actions occurring at the training station are considered “school-related”. Violations of school guidelines as listed in the student handbook are punishable as offenses against the school even if they occur at the training station. Specific examples include but are not limited to drug or alcohol use or possession, cheating/plagiarism, forgery or misrepresentation.