CTE Co-op

Class Information

What is CTE Co-op?

CTE Co-op is a senior only class. Mr. Crask recruits and accepts students during their junior year and they take the class their senior year. When recruiting, he looks at grades, attendance, tardies, attitude and behavior. Having a great attitude and being a hard worker will definitely help you get into the CTE Co-op Program.

CTE Co-op is a class where seniors learn about marketing, business, and career paths. This class also covers covers a broad range of concepts which include investing/banking, how to establish credit for teenagers, interviewing skills and resumes. We also cover entrepreneurship and actually run our very own cafe that is located in the beautiful Belleville East Library called The Daily Grind. This is a great class for all students at Belleville East no matter what their career goal might be.

Students that are accepted into this program must have a job during their senior year. Students in co-op will receive 3 credits hours for both semesters, which for the majority of the students, is more credits than they need to graduate. Because of the 3 credits, co-op students have the option of getting out of school early. They do not have to have an early release, it is just an option that most students enjoy. Co-op students do not have to take PE either but they can if they want!

Field trips are also part of CTE Co-op. We typically take a field trip in the fall and one in the spring.

Students in CTE Co-op participate in running The Daily Grind cafe in the library from September until May.

Want more information? Email Mr. Crask at mcrask@bths201.org

What are the requirements for Co-op?

Students who want to join CTE Co-op must be a senior and have a district approved job by the end of the 1st triad which is usually around Sept. 21. Great attendance and a positive attitude is a must for this program.!