Frequently Asked Questions about Student-Led Conferences

Why are we having Student-Led Conferences?

They are widely recognized as best educational practice! Research supports the fact that student achievement increases when students reflect on their work, identify strengths and weaknesses, and set goals, thus taking ownership of their learning. Student-Led Conferences promote self-confidence, as well as vital organizational, presentation, and communication skills. They also provide parents with an opportunity to celebrate their students as learners.

What is my role during the Student-Led Conference?

Encourage your student. Be specific in your praise, comments, and compliments. Listen to what your student is saying and ask follow up questions like: What part of this assignment was challenging for you? Why? What did you learn from this assignment? How can I help you with your goal?

Respect your student’s ability to lead and share. Your student has spent a lot of time and effort getting ready to present their work to you. Allow them to guide you through the Student-Led Conference.

Be proud! Your student’s ability to take ownership of their progress and present their goals to you is impressive.

What is my child’s role during the Student-Led Conference?

Your student will be leading the conference. They will be presenting you with a collection of their work. As they show your specific assignments and assessments, they will be reflecting on their progress, and identifying strengths and weaknesses. Your student will share the goals that they have developed based on the reflection process.

What is the teacher’s role during the Student-Led Conference?

The teachers have spent the past weeks preparing your student and teaching the skills necessary for the conference. During the conference, the teacher will act as a guide and facilitator. The teacher will guide the student through their presentation, observe the conference process, take notes and assist students and parents in determining the next steps for learning.

Can I meet with the teacher(s) privately at another time?

Yes. The teachers are always available throughout the school year for individual conferences if you have concerns that you wish to address. Call or e-mail your student’s teacher(s) at any time to set up an appointment. Office hours are on Mondays, 2:20-3:35PM. We also encourage parents to create a PupilPath account in order to monitor their child's grades and progress.

How do I make an appointment?

Click here to select an appointment time. If you are experiencing technical difficulty, please call the main office at (718) 217-3613 to schedule an appointment or click here to email a staff member directly.

Your child's adviser will contact you to confirm your scheduled time prior to Thursday, March 19. We look forward to seeing you!