Third-Party Contracts/Agreements

Third-Party Vendor Contracts/Agreements

A third-party contractor or vendor is any person or entity, other than an educational agency, that receives student data or teacher or principal data from an educational agency pursuant to a contract or other agreement for purposes of providing services.

 An agreement that covers the requirements defined by Ed Law 2-d must exist either directly between the school district and the third-party vendor, or, if the product is part of a service obtained through a BOCES CoSer, an agreement between that BOCES and the product vendor. A vendor cannot achieve compliance unilaterally. Please look below to find resources that can assist you with understanding third-party contracts/agreements.

Data Protection Planning - 3PContracts.pdf

Third-Party Contracts Requirements & Paths To Compliance - Data Protection and Planning RIC one Resource

Compliance Assessment Questions.pdf

Third-Party Contractors Compliance Assessment Questions - RIC one Resource


Model DPA - NYSED Resource


Model DPA Instructions - NYSED Resource


Third-Party Contracts Checklist - Data Protection and Planning RIC one Resource

sample model contract rider for Ed Law 2-d with highlights.docx

Sample Model Contract Rider - SCRIC Resource

NYSITCC Contract List 2023-April.pdf

Instructional Technology Contract Consortium (ITCC) - RIC one Resource

NYSDLCC Contract List - January 2023.pdf

Distance Learning Contract Consortium (DLCC) - RIC one Resource

BOCES Compliance with Third-Party Contractors

Districts that participate in the appropriate base service(s) have access to increased buying power as a result of the statewide and regional contracts that are negotiated. The information below provides a list of the software/applications that are offered by Broome-Tioga (BT) BOCES, Delaware Chenango Madison Otsego (DCMO) BOCES, Otsego Northern Catskills (ONC) BOCES, and the status of Education Law 2-d vendor documentation.

Any software/application that has a link under the Supporting Documentation column has the signed Education Law 2-d vendor documentation; if it does not have a link under the Supporting Documentation column, the signed vendor documentation has not been received.

DCMO BOCES Contracts

ONC BOCES Contracts