BOCES Contracts & Ed Law 2-D Compliance


Districts that participate in the appropriate base service(s) have access to increased buying power as a result of the statewide and regional contracts that are negotiated. The information below provides a list of the software/applications that are offered by Broome-Tioga BOCES/South Central RIC and the status of Education Law 2-d vendor documentation.

Any software/application that has a link under the Supporting Documentation column has the signed Education Law 2-d vendor documentation; if it does not have a link under the Supporting Documentation column, the signed vendor documentation has not been received. Please note that the information shown below may not be a comprehensive list as it changes rapidly.

For more information on our BT BOCES Board meeting minutes, agenda items and approved agreements/contracts, please visit our BT BOCES BoardDocs webpage.

Current Software/Applications Available for Purchase:

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Please Note: Some Instructional Technology products listed below will have a contract and Education Law 2-d agreement in place; however, not all of those items may be supported by the Instructional Technology Support Team. Please reach out to the service contact if you wish to purchase a new item from your IT-D budget.