Catholic Youth Group:
Grupo Juvenil Catolico
Weekly Gatherings of Faith, Food, and Fun all for FREE

Hosted and Coordinated by BSYC   Fridays/ Viernes 4 - 7 PM 

Schedule, Days, and Times/ Horario, Dias, y Tiempos

Every Friday from 4 PM - 7 PM/ Todos los viernes de 4 PM - 7 PM 

3600 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, IL 60623

Enrollment and Cost/ Aplicacion al Programa y Costo

Everything is Free, including most of our travels to Retreats and Conferences.  

Todo es gratis, incluyendo la mayoria de nuestros viajes a retiros y conferenias. 

Description of the Program/ Descripcion del Programa

The goal of these nights is to gather young people (ages 13-17) in an ongoing basis (Every Friday) to build community with other teens who are in a spiritual journey together through reflections, meditation, prayer, retreats and conferences!

Fe, Comida, y Diversión Sana! Traiga a su joven a envolverse en comunidad con otros jóvenes en camino espiritual a través de reflexiones, oración, retiros y mucho mas. 

Major Outcomes of the Program/ Metas del Programa

1. Young people from all around our neighborhoods, parishes, and schools are building community in a safe, positive, faithful environment

2. Young people are being inspired to get involved in their faith and spiritual journeys 

3. Young people are inspired to take actions of love, hope, and faith

4. Families see a more positive change in their young people who are brining Christ's vibe back to their homes. 

Requirements and Parent Commitment/ Requerimiento y compromiso de papas

2. Parents MUST leave their kids between 4 PM - 5 PM on assigned sidewalk drop-offs around the building. Volunteers with security vests will be there to receive your kids and guide them to the entrance of the building. 

3. MUST be on time! The Program will start exactly at 5 PM and the doors, for safety reasons will close at 5:30 PM. 

4. Parents can stay at the event if they desire, but MUST be willing to commit as a volunteer for the night with the approval of the School or Parish.  Steps to sign up as volunteer, a) Complete the Fired-UP Volunteer Application Form, b) If approved by your parish or school, you will receive confirmation of approval by BSYC to stay and volunteer. 

5. Parents MUST come and pick up their kids between 7 PM - 8 PM. The building will close at 8 PM.  

6. We highly recommend parents attend our Monthly Parent Assemblies every first Monday of the Month starting in October.  It is essential that we work together in improving our services and facilities with your feedback. 

Parent Consent/ Consentimiento del Padre de Familia

I understand that we, the parents/guardians, are responsible for the transportation of my child to and from the event on the specific times mentioned for drop-off and Pick-up. I understand and consent to pictures and video being taken at these gatherings, including all participants, for the purpose of promotion and marketing of the event and Blessed Sacrament Youth Center.  While food will be provided, my child, through my direction and guidance, will be responsible for choosing the food items best to eat according to his/her health. In consideration of allowing my child to participate in this event, I indemnify and hold harmless the organizers, staff, and volunteers involved in this event from any and all liability.  I realize and accept that in the event of my child’s behavior affects the safety of the event, the organizers and chaperones reserve the right to return my child home.  

Become a Member of BSYC

Are you interested in your child(ren) becoming members of our youth center at BSYC? Learn about all the benefits you and your family can enjoy being a member.  ALL FREE!