What Happens in the Spring?

Listen to Ira Allen preschool teacher, Katie introduce learning about colorful bugs.

Have you noticed all the different colors of spring? During the past few weeks we’ve played with brown mud, looked for grey clouds, discovered black birds, green leaves and yellow dandelions.

This week, join Ira Allen preschool teacher, Molly to discover more about the colors that appear in the spring.

Last week, Flynn preschool teacher, Allison explored what's growing in the spring. As you looked at all the new spring growth, maybe you saw a black and yellow bee buzzing on a flower? Did you see a green grasshopper hiding in the grass? Or a red ladybug with black spots crawling up a stem?

Join Ira Allen preschool teacher, Katie to learn more about insects, spiders and other small creatures that creep, crawl, hop, and fly through our spring woods, trees and gardens.

(If this link does not work, click Week 7 in the navigation menu at the top of the page.)

Listen to Ira Allen preschool teacher, Molly introduce learning about the colors of spring.

COVID-19 Information and Resources

Playing Safely with Friends.

A message from BSD Early Education Director, Stacie Curtis


Ira Allen Preschool teacher, Katie, helps young children learn about wearing a mask.

Wearing a mask video.MOV

Social Stories about COVID-19

COVID-19 has introduced challenging new routines and expectations for young children. Social stories can help children understand routines, expectations and social norms.

Here are two social stories to share with your child about wearing masks and using video chat.

Seeing other people wearing masks (1).pdf