Using Restorative Practices and SEL Together

Both restorative practices (RP) and social-emotional learning (SEL) can be used to intentionally build equitable, safe, and supportive learning environments in schools.

While differing in their approaches, they share many common characteristics. Both RP and SEL can be used to improve school climate, strengthen relationships, and prepare students to be responsible, caring members of a multicultural society.

Source: CASEL

The themes of relationships and community are at the heart of restorative practices, circles present great opportunities to develop, practice, and model social-emotional competencies. Conversely, SEL directly supports and reinforces restorative practices in schools. For example: while implementing restorative procedures to constructively address conflict and behavior, SEL teaches students how to best communicate and encourages them to be conscious and aware of their feelings.

Resources + Activities for Integrating SEL within Restorative Practices

Examples: Using SEL and Restorative Practices in Schools

(1) Circles. Circles are foundational to restorative practices. By intentionally using SEL vocabulary during community circles (such as naming their emotions, reflecting on their feelings, or practicing empathy), we can foster increased self-awareness and use of social skills.

(2) Using Affective Language in Circles. Affective language consists of verbal and nonverbal communication that encourages individuals to be open and honest, nonjudgmental, empathetic, and present when communicating with others. Through the use of "I" statements (e.g., "I feel _____ when _____ because _____."), empathetic listening, and affective questions, we can guide students to build self-awareness, self-management, and social awareness skills during circle time.

NEW RESOURCE: Relationship Mapping Menu

Relationship Mapping helps schools to systematically ensure that every student in their building has a strong, positive connection to a teacher or staff member.

Access our Relationship Mapping Menu, which includes resources to assist schools in designing a Relationship Mapping process that fits the needs of their students and educators.