About The PAC

23/24 Board Members

President: Julie Collins           paperroute@gmail.com

Vice President: Loren Franklin lorenbarber@gmail.com

Vice President: Ashley McCullough ashleymccullough@gmail.com

Treasurer:   Kristal Jones      kristal.jones@gmail.com

Secretary:            Will Tidd willgtidd@gmail.com

General Questions:   hawthorneschoolpac@gmail.com

Our Mission:

Hawthorne PAC's mission is to enhance the educational experiences and opportunities at Hawthorne Elementary School by supporting educators, staff, and students through fundraising, promotion and implementation of learning experiences in addition to that offered through the regular curriculum. 

Our Purpose:

The purpose of this organization is educational, and directed primarily toward child welfare interests through the support of students, staff, and teachers. 

To accomplish these goals, the Hawthorne PAC seeks volunteer support from community and families as well as conducts fundraisers with proceeds to be spent on:

To see what we accomplished last year including our fundraising and spending, check out our 2022-23 annual report

Committee Chairs

Hedgehog Jog: Loren Franklin/Ashley McCullough

Staff Appreciation: Will Tidd

Holiday Decorating: Alaina

Celebration Lead: Heidi Putnum

Silent Auction: Christy Kroos

Individual Art: Alida Nyquist

Any parent is welcome at any board meeting at any time and do not need to hold a position to participate.  In fact, all of the above committee chairs would love your help if you see something you might be interested in doing!  Please CONTACT US!