2023-2024 Team Event Roster

NSDA Awards

NSDA Academic All American Award Recipients

          Julian Staggs                                                      Maxwell DeFanti                      

         Lila Sundeen              Ravenor Davion                                                                                                              

MHSA Awards

MHSA All American Award Recipients

Maxwell DeFanti and Ravenor Davion

Team Awards

The Following are Recipients of the Raptor Speech and Debate Team Awards. These Team Members were true Representatives of our Team Values throughout the 2023-2024 season. The following recipients continuously showed CLASS, by rising above any pettiness, ADAPTABILITY, a relentless COMPETITIVE Drive, and INDUSTRIOUSNESS. Most importantly, they showed TEAM SPIRIT by selfless and always placing the team above themselves.

Freshman of the Year

Ezra Graham

Sophomore of the Year

Evelyn Taylor

Junior of the Year

Sophie Woodard

Senior of the Year

Lila Sundeen

Raptor Spirit Award in Debate

Mallory Mencas

Raptor Spirit Award in Speech

Audrey Kimmel

Excellence in Debate

Julian Staggs

Excellence in Speech

Devon Hanley

2023-2024 Event Roster