Career and Technical Education Pathways
Your Career Begins Now!
Graduating This Spring?
The site seeks to:
1. Increase student, family, staff, and community awareness of the CTE pathways that begin in our schools and can lead to a variety of post high school degrees, certifications, and job opportunities in our community.
2. Continue to explore and increase the work-based learning options, certifications, and degrees that are in concert with our already established pathways.
The Bozeman School District's Career and Technical Education (CTE) Pathways give BSD7 students opportunities to explore--and even begin--careers while they are still students in the Bozeman School District!
Bozeman students can begin career exploration while enrolled in our schools. Students might develop schedules aligned to career interests, earn dual credit, begin early college, and even begin work-based learning--anything from job shadowing through paid internships!
Career Pathways offered through Bozeman Public Schools Include:
What is a Career and Technical Education Pathway?
A Career and Technical Education Pathway usually begins with exploratory courses that you may have already taken in elementary and middle school (think STEM and Elective courses). As students move into high school, they continue to explore these various CTE options in many of their elective courses. As students advance through high school, they may gravitate towards more specialized courses through their electives.
In conjunction with the classroom courses, students may begin to earn dual credit, early college credit, and even begin work-based learning within their chosen career field. The goal of any pathway is to connect students with careers in various industries in a way that gives them a head start with training, certifications, and experience while they are completing high school.
It doesn't matter what grade you are in, you can jump into a pathway at any time!
To see what Pathways are available, CLICK HERE.
Why Consider a Career and Technical Education Pathway?
BSD7's Career and Technical Education Pathways help students learn about various career opportunities ahead of them, and can even give students a head start in pursuing these careers!
Students who engage in any of our Pathways might:
Earn dual credit (high school and college credit)
Begin taking college classes in their field while still in high school (Early College)
Explore possible careers to find one that speaks to their passions and interests
Earn money as an apprentice or pre-apprentice while completing high school
Have a head start in their chosen career--possibly leading to early advancement and higher pay at a younger age!
Graduate with not only a BSD7 Diploma, but a paying career job!
Enter the workforce with little to no debt and a solid paycheck on day 1
Be on your way towards earning in industry recognized certificate or degree!
To learn more about Why Career and Technical Education Pathways might be a great fit for you, CLICK HERE.
Career and Technical Education Pathway Overview
What is Work-Based Learning?
Work Based Learning is when a student connects and works with a local business in a chosen career field. Through Montana's Work Based Learning program, students as young as 16 can work in many career fields, and even get paid as apprentices.
This is a benefit to both the student and the employer or field of work as it gives students opportunities to truly learn their work in a real-time work environment, and it gives employers a chance to attract and train the next generation of workers, managers, and industry leaders!
To learn more about BSD7's Work-Based Learning opportunities, CLICK HERE.
Frequently Asked Questions
For Frequently Asked Questions or Quick Understandings: CLICK HERE.
How Do I Get Started?
To get started or learn more about Career and Technical Education Pathways at your school: CLICK HERE.
BSD7 Staff Members
Counselors, College and Career Center, Admin, Teachers...
...Looking for resources, forms, anything related to CTE Pathways: CLICK HERE.
Local Business or Industry?
Are you a local business or industry and looking to connect with the future of your company? CLICK HERE.