
class overview

  • This course teaches the basics of camera use, composition, lighting, and digital photo editing. Critiques are an integral part of the course, reinforcing knowledge of the elements and principles of design. Computer programs used will be Adobe Photoshop (There is no required experience with Photoshop, I will be walking you through how to edit each project step by step!)

google classroom

  • Google Classroom will be an integral part of this course. Announcements and assignments will ALL be posted within Google Classroom. All of your work will be turned in and graded on google classroom.

  • Guardians can be invited to receive email summaries about the class and their student.


  • The PROCESS of CREATING photographs is equally as important as the finished product! EFFORT is important.


Projects make up 85% of your grade.In general, each assessment will follow the same basic format, but will be customized and weighted to fit the specific objectives of the projects.

Weekly photos and other small classwork assignments supplement the projects. They make up 15% of your grade.

weekly photos

Weekly photo assignments supplement the projects. You will receive a large weekly photo list with fun prompts of what to take a picture of. Weekly make up 15% of your grade with other small classwork assignments assigned throughout the quarter along with other small classwork assignments. Each weekly photo assignment is worth 20 points based on the following:

5 points – Composition

5 points – Lighting

5 points – Creativity

5 points – Saved Correctly

Your Website

You each will be learning how to design your own website using Google Sites at the beginning of this course (we will be doing this together, no worries-I will walk you through it, its easy!) Your website is where you will be uploading all of your project pictures and your weekly photos for me to grade. You will be able to customize and personalize it. (And if you wish you can even share the link to your website with friends and family to see your work throughout the year if you choose to do so.)

required materials & Storage

  • You have the option to use your phone instead of a camera. Getting your pictures from your phone to your school google account is sometimes tricky. Not having good service in the school makes it very difficult to upload images at school. Therefore, if you are choosing to use your phone to take pictures for this course (which is okay), you MUST upload your pictures at home where you have good internet service to your school google account via Google Drive OR bring in your phone cord to plug it directly to the computer to access your pictures. You will not be allowed to go get service to upload it. If you are using a camera, it is a much easier process to just use a camera by plugging the SD card into the computer. You may choose to use a phone so you don't have to buy a camera is absolutely fine! If you already have a camera you can use that or a combo of your camera and phone. Cameras, phones, etc. are not able to be stored in school. If you are using a camera or phone cord, you can leave your phone cord labeled in a bin in the school so you don't have to bring it back and form. But it is your responsibility to keep track of your photography equipment.

displaying of photos

  • Your photos will be on display throughout the year in various formats including on my "Pictures Of The Week" Wall and on my teacher Instagram @mrs.labshere (be sure to follow me to see your work and other students work!)

  • The district-wide Art Show will be in May or digitally if needed. Each student will have multiple pictures in the show.

classroom rules

  • RESPECT others (teacher & classmates)! RESPECT photography equipment and use them appropriately! RESPECT photographs (own & others)!

  • Ask permission to leave the room and sign out (INCLUDING days you will be taking pictures)

  • Be prepared and on time to class, and get your work done! Use your time wisely!

  • Clean up but please do not clean-up early! (Clean-up will be announced daily by bell or announcement)

  • No food or drinks besides water (health allergies & damage to artwork)

  • If you borrow school photography equipment, make sure you always sign out and sign back in what you have borrowed.

  • It is your job to stay organized!

  • MOST of your pictures will be taken outside of school (Unless for a specific project that works well for taking pictures in the building, you will find much more success taking pictures on your own time!). There will be some days for certain projects where we will take pictures as a class during the class time as well.