
class overview

The goal of this 10 week (1 quarter long) course is to provide all middle school students with an introduction to the principles of computer functions, basic keyboarding skills, digital safety and computer program awareness and applications. Examples of programs that will be used include TypingWeb, Google Docs, Sheets and Slides. This class is designed so that the skills learned in this course are meant to be useful in other class subject areas, as well as life-long skills. 

google classroom


Major Projects, assignments and tests make up 70% of your grade. Other assignments such as quizzes, homework, online worksheets and small activities will make up 30% of your grade. 

classroom rules & Expectations

1. Be ready at the bell.

2. No talking during teacher instruction.

3. Follow all lesson directions.

4. Respect each other, the classroom and yourself.

5. Do your best!

Respect the Class

Although the structure of the class is different from most of your other classes, it should not be treated as free time. I expect you to be at your seat, and ready to work as soon as the period starts. There will be no web surfing during this course. The majority of the time you will be at a computer station and it is expected that you use the computers for their intended purpose of the class, and not for any other reason.

Respect the Computer Lab

The computer lab is a shared space, and other people besides you are in it throughout the day. Food and drinks are not allowed in the room. There are absolutely no exceptions as we do not want to damage the computers. Push your chairs in at the end of the period, and double check your computer to make sure you have logged off of your account. If you leave any materials behind, there is no guarantee they will be there later. The room should be neat and tidy when you leave. 

Code of Conduct for computer users

As a computer user, I agree to follow the rules and code of ethics explained below.  (This Code of Conduct for Computer Users can also be found in the Student Handbook.)

1. I will use the school’s computer for educational work only. 

2. I will respect school property. I will not steal, deface, or vandalize school equipment. 

3. I will not disturb others while working on school computers. 

4. I will not view, send, or display offensive messages or pictures. 

5. I will not make unauthorized copies of software found on school computers as I recognize that software is protected by copyright law. 

6. I will not attempt to gain unauthorized access to programs. 

7. I will not use anyone else’s password or file. 

8. I will not download or save information on the hard drives of any school computer without classroom instructor’s permission.

displaying of work