Welcome to the BRRSD Intermediate Instrumental Music Site! 

Did You Know?

Bridgewater-Raritan Regional School District was recognized for the fourth consecutive year as a Best Community for Music Education by the NAMM Foundation - a national recognition that celebrates the high-quality music education offered by the BRRSD school district and supported by our incredible community. Read more about this year's recognition here!


The Bridgewater-Raritan Instrumental Music Program (Band and Orchestra) begins in the Fifth Grade. All incoming fifth grade students will have the opportunity to register for our Instrumental Music Program in September of 2023.

5th graders will meet the band and orchestra teachers and learn about the instruments of the Band and Orchestra in the beginning weeks of school next year. Students will participate in an exploration of the instruments under the guidance of the instrumental music staff, and have the opportunity for a band and orchestra instrument to “choose” them! We believe the student-instrument match is a very important part of your child’s success, and are confident that the instrument sampling process helps students achieve a successful pairing that will lead to a rewarding and positive experience in the instrumental music program.


Did you miss the chance to join band or orchestra? It's not too late! We always welcome students in ANY grade, 5th grade and up, to join chorus, band, or orchestra any year in their time in B-R! Reach out to your your schools' band & orchestra teachers (contact info at the bottom of this page)  to learn more about joining the instrumental music program next year!

Copy of 4th Grade instrumental parent meeting orientation Spring 2024 2024.pptx

The student-instrument match is a very important part of your child’s success.  Please take the time to discuss the instrument selection with your child and register him/her for the music program beginning this fall.  Important: If your child will be getting braces, he/she may still play a woodwind or a brass instrument!  All woodwinds and brass are playable with braces!

Instruments offered in our beginning instrumental programs:

Intermediate Instrumental Staff Contact Information 

Eisenhower Intermediate

Chris Dickson, Band cdickson@brrsd.org

Jacob Ulm, Band julm@brrsd.org

Lisa Gaudet, Orchestra lgaudet@brrsd.org

Carrie Jendza, Orchestra cjendza@brrsd.org

Hillside Intermediate

Jacob Ulm, Band julm@brrsd.org

Carrie Jendza, Orchestra cjendza@brrsd.org

Tom Pepitone, Orchestra tpepitone@brrsd.org

Patricia Kearns, Band pkearns@brrsd.org

Matthew McCarthy

K-12 Visual & Performing Arts Supervisor 


Wendy Minolfo

Administrative Assistant
