Reviews & Lists

Don't see anything you like, here? Want more choices?

Check out the suggestions from these great resources:

American Indians in Children's Literature -- reviews, discussions, booklists; critiques of portrayal of native peoples in children's and young adult literature.

Andrew Luck Book Club -- NFL's Andrew Luck "builds a team through reading", recommending two books a month and interviews authors on his podcast. Follow him on Instagram #ALBookClub and join discussion.

Bookpage -- reviews of new books for children, young adults, and adults.

Bookriot -- reviews, lists for kids, YA; blogposts, etc.

Booktrust -- UK organization/site with booklists, recommendations, BookFinder, news, research about reading, etc.

Brown Bookshelf -- awareness and celebration of Black creators of picture books, middle grade, and young adult literature.

The Children's Book Review -- reviews of books for children of every age, from babies to young adults, plus author/illustrator interviews, booklists, and giveaways.

Disability in KidLit -- reviews, discussions, articles, interviews; about the portrayal of disability in middle grade and young adult literature.

FantasticFiction -- children's, young adult, and adult fiction; booklists, series information, new books. Follow favorite authors, keep tracks of books you've read or want to read, etc.

GoodReads -- booklists, reviews, giveaways, etc. Create your own account to keep track of what you've read, or want to read.

Grassroots Community -- 1000 Black Girl Books Resource Guide

KidlitTV -- the world of children's literature: video booktrailers and author interviews, kidlitradio, crafts and activities, etc.

KidsReads and TeenReads -- written by kids/teens, for kids/teens; reviews, booklists, author interviews, calendar of book festivals, and more.

Latinxs in Kidlit -- reviews of books by/about Latinx in middle grade, YA, and children's literature.

Poetry Foundation -- read poems for kids, teens, adults; poet bios, audio poems, poem of the day, Poetry Magazine, etc.

Read Brightly -- booklists, reviews, articles, etc.; search/sort by age level or topic. -- booklists; sort by kids, teens, adults; author webcasts, awards, festivals, Young Reader Presidential Challenge, etc.

ReadingRants! -- booklists & reviews for teens by a librarian.

Reads4Tweens -- booklists, reviews, information for parents/family members, teachers, etc. about content

School Library Journal -- professional reviews, booklists, blogposts, etc.

We Need Diverse Books -- booklists, links, teacher resources, awards, etc.

YA Books Central -- reviews and booklists, online community, giveaways; by and for teens.

Keep up with the latest releases on your fave YA publishers' websites, blogs, and social media.

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