Professor Roberto Serrano 

Harrison S. Kravis University Professor of Economics, Brown University


Department of Economics

Box B, Brown University

Providence, RI 02912

Tel: (401) 863-2764

Fax: (401) 863-1970

Google Scholar: Roberto Serrano


R. Serrano and A. M. Feldman, A Short Course in Intermediate Microeconomics with Calculus (2nd edition), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, (2018).

Available from Cambridge University Press

Short Answers to Exercises, Solutions: Graphs

The purpose of this set of (mostly) short answers is to provide a way for students to check on their work. Our answers here leave out a lot of intermediate steps; we hope this will encourage students to work out the intermediate steps for themselves. We also have a set of longer and more detailed answers, which is available to instructors only from Cambridge University Press.

“Taskforce for the Reform of the Spanish Economy after Coronavirus”

(“Grupo de Trabajo sobre Reformas de la Economia Espanola tras el Coronavirus”)

This webpage would not have been possible without the efforts of Zeky Murra-Anton, Maria Jose Luengo, Almudena Sevilla-Sanz, Andre Switala, Petros Milionis, Takeshi Suzuki, Victor Aguiar and Xu Zhang. I am very grateful for all their work.