Course policies

Academic integrity

I view learning and teaching as partnership between you and me. I firmly believe in a growth mindset and therefore set high expectations because I know that you can meet and exceed them -- and I will support you in any way I can to help you achieve your goals. Academic integrity allows us to work together on these goals because it establishes a framework of mutual trust and honesty. At its core, academic integrity means to present only your own work as yours and to acknowledge any contributions made by others. It helps you trust your abilities, demonstrate your own accomplishments, and be responsible for your own learning. In practical terms, academic integrity means to make sure that all submitted assignments represent your own original work and to indicate clearly where you used materials other than those distributed through Canvas or Piazza. Please also review Brown University's Academic Code and contact me if you have any questions about how the academic code applies to this class.

Preparing for class discussions

Completing the reading assignments before class is absolutely crucial for the success of this class. The reading list will be broken down into essential and supplemental materials so that we can focus on the key reading materials and expand on them through additional materials. I have also structured the written reflections so that they encourage pre-class readings and prepare us well for the in-class discussions. You will benefit far less from this class if you do not complete the required reading prior to class.