submission policy
Brophy Literary and Arts Magazine (BLAM) accepts submissions through a Google form and solicits submissions using posters hung across campus and a BLAM social media page. Both literary and art contests for the magazine provide campus artists with opportunities to respond to prompts drafted by staff members. The top three winners of both art and literary contests receive prizes for their work, and the first place piece for each contest is guaranteed publication in the magazine. Staff members rate every piece they receive using a uniform rubric drafted by all staffers at the start of the year. Magazine staff members are not permitted to submit to contests, but can submit to general submissions for the final publication. There is no limit on the number of pieces that an artist or writer can submit to either the magazine or a contest, but a maximum of four pieces per artist or writer* can appear in the final magazine.
*Featured artists are allotted more than two pieces
Jet Ski Ocean | Aiden Kelly '24
Our great flame awakes from its slumber
Spreading rays of sunshine to each grain of sand
Sparkling off the water, shining as disco ball lights
The light’s warmth received ten folds
The roar of six feet of water
The blue-green pipelines, telling you to dive
Into each wave, the heartbeat of the planet,
Draws you to the water’s edge
It’s as if you’re listening through a conch shell
Your heart skips beats, your breath taken away
A feeling of awe towards the ocean
Power and might electrifies you for your day
The turbulence of the waves sends shockwaves to your bones
Each time a wall of water comes crashing down
Ocean mist rises like a fog
Washing over like your morning shower
Rubbing the water from your eyes
The taste of cookies with too much salt lands on your tongue
The mixing bowl of salted cookies
Contains a pinch of adventure
An explosion happens on the horizon
The sky fills with lilac, tangerine, and deep pink
The sun radiates its beauty and power
However, with as much power as it has
It is only a fraction
Of the jet ski ocean