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What scientists say schools could pay more attention to.

Click on the videos below to hear about what the scientists believe schools could pay more attention to to motivate students to want to become scientists.

I think it’s important that you can just play with some equipment, or... you are given tools and try to figure out how to use them.

I think it would be useful, sometimes… to have some… sessions where finding the right approach was more important than being able to do a particular approach.

You want to give students a chance to think about a problem, and then you, ideally, want to be able to show several different ways of approaching the problem so that they see that… it’s not necessarily just one approach.

…if you really see it, you do it for yourself and then you think of it. Of course, you have to be aided by someone who is trained, who maybe points you in the right direction initially... but I think it’s much more effective if you do it yourself really. have to give teachers the opportunity to go beyond just the… expected learning outcomes.

...practicing scientists need to get across to school pupils is that they are creative, they are normal human beings.

…be clearer of where the frontiers of knowledge are. Because you kind of get taught, “This… is the body of knowledge”, and actually, I’m sure that what some of what we were taught is probably no longer the body of knowledge....

Read… successful stories of people who had good ideas…. They come from lots and lots of different places… fundamentally they all come from the same sort of place.

Getting them to ask questions and enabling them to answer those questions.

...encouraging people to question perceived truth or otherwise, and not to take things at face value. That, I think, is very important to science.

Maybe it’s posing questions in the right way… to make the questions more relevant to their own lives, rather than some abstract thing.

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