Eclipse Plugin

ECIDE (Eclipse Plug-In)

The Eclipse plug-in version of CIDE provides all the functionality that the stand along version provides, but it also takes the advantages of other functions of Eclipse and its extensibility and flexibility. For example, users can use the project management facility provided by Eclipse to manage a project more efficiently. Users can also use the EGit plug-in facility for link to GitHub and make version control of CAOPLE programs more conveniently. The code editor also take advantages of colour coding. Compilation errors are more conveniently marked on the sidebar of the code. The main extension that ECIDE brings to Eclipse is the operation tools for the management and operation of clusters, the deployment of code, and the operations and debugging of agents. These functions are the same as in the stand alone version of CIDE. Figure below is a screen snapshot of the plugin in Eclipse.

The cluster manager, shown in the Figure below, enables the user to manage the clusters with ease. Nodes in a cluster can be add, removed and setup its parameters with a click of button. The list of nodes can be save into a file, and loaded from a file, too. Virtual machines running on each node can be switched on and off by a click of buttons, too. The running state of each node can also be monitored.

The object code obtained by compiling a CAOPLE caste source code can be deployed to a CE in your cluster using the deployment management tab. The figure below is a screen snapshot of the tab.

The start of an agent (i.e. an instance) of a deployed caste can be done simply by a click of button in the agent management tab of the plug-in. The figure below is a screen snapshot of the Agent Manager tab. Continuous debugging can also be performed using the buttons in this tab.