Stand Alone IDOE

CIDE (Stand Alone Version)

The stand alone version of CIDE is a Java application. It provides the following functions for the development and operation of software in microservices architecture running on a cluster of computers.

  • Editing program code;

  • Compiling CAOPLE source code into CAVM object code;

  • Setting up, operating and monitoring CAVM virtual machines remotely on a cluster;

  • Deploying CAVM object code to the cluster where CAVM virtual machines are running;

  • Creating, terminating, operating, and monitoring the agents on CAVM virtual machines;

  • Debugging and testing agents remotely, online and non-intrusively.

The screen snapshot below shows the program editor of CIDE's Graphic User Interface. Users can edit the source of CAOPLE program, compile the source code into object code of CAVM virtual machine, and view the object code.

The following screen snapshot shows the Graphic User Interface of the Cluster Manager tools of CIDE. In this GUI, user can manage the cluster of computers run on the local machine as well as run on a cluster remotely.

The following screen snapshot shows the GUI of the Deployment Manager tool of the CIDE. The user can deploy object code from the local machine to CEs running on any node in the cluster and view the object codes deployed to the CEs.

The following screen snapshot shows the GUI of the Runtime Management tool of CIDE. The User can start and stop agents of a caste deployed to any of the CEs in the cluster on any LEEs running on any machine in your cluster. The debugging facility can also be use to debug the agents running in your cluster remotely.