What is meaningful service?

Our Mission:

As high school students, we see the way that many teenagers are involved in service projects they are not passionate about. As these videos explain, this kind of half-hearted service is not as effective as it could be. We see service as a way to find yourself, discover your interests, and uncover a deep sense of purpose. While volunteerism is commonly seen as "helping those in need", we feel it should be seen as more of a partnership. In a fitting service placement, you will benefit just as much as the people you are serving because you will learn something about yourself and your interests along the way.

What does it mean to "pay it forward"?

"Paying it forward" is engaging in random, sporatic acts of kidness throughout the day. Whether it is a nice conversation with a barista at your favorite coffee shop, offering assistance to an elderly woman crossing the street, or paying for a stranger's meal (as is shown in the video below), every act of service can be meaningful. Neurologically, all acts of service make us feel happier. As humans, we benefit from helping others, especially when we can directly see the positive impact we have on someone else. It is called a "helper's high," and is felt most intensely for people who form connections with the people they help, or in other words, engage in acts of meaningful service.

How can you get involved?

The easy first step is to look around you. Chances are, there are many service opportunities right in your neighborhood. Consider your community's needs and your own interests, then find the service opportunity that best adresses both of the two. If you are interested in music and drama, volunteer with a local arts center. If you love working with kids, do some tutoring or coaching. The most important part of engaging in service is working for an organization you care about because you can only give your whole self to a cause if it is something you believe in. Helping others should feel good for you and those that you help, which is why we have created an organization to make these steps a little easier for you!