Climate Crisis

2 PBAT questions for

Argumentative Essay:

  • CHANGE OF QUESTION: Will Joe Biden's Government Response do enough to counter climate change?

  • Is the climate crisis experience the same for all people?

Historical Background:

Climate Change is undeniable yet there are many ways that the could US government respond to the crisis. There are two PBAT questions here that connect to climate change/global warming.

1: Is the United States government doing enough to counter climate change? (You can research how Donald Trump administration's has responded to the climate crisis. The future administration of Biden/Harris can be researched as 2021 begins.)


2: Is the climate crisis experience the same for all people? (The social inequalities shown during this time of climate crisis can be researched. This can also be called Environmental Justice.)

Map from National Geographic, 2020

Poverty/Race and the Climate Crisis Experience




Drought and Geography

Heat Islands

Hurricane Maria (2017) and Hurricane Katrina (2005)

Counter-argument for either PBAT choice

Climate Change Deniers

Trump administration in their own words

Is it too late?

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and it's lack of response


Rebuttal: Political Responses for either PBAT choice

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes "A Green New Deal"

Work in Environmental Justice for change

Some NYC Solutions

Plastic Bag Ban



Rain gardens