
PBAT Introduction

Your PBAT requirement for Social Studies is an "argumentative essay."

  • 7-10 page paper

  • Introduction with Thesis Statement

  • Historical Background (context)

  • 3 Main Reasons to prove your argument

  • At least 1 piece of Evidence from each article to prove your reasoning is correct

  • Counter-argument with evidence

  • Rebuttal with evidence

  • Conclusion

  • Bibliography (works cited)

  • Read between 4-6 resources (articles)

Definition ARGUMENTATIVE ESSAY: This is a type of research paper that asks the writer to form an opinion on a yes or no question and then back up their opinion with evidence from research. Both sides of the argument are presented (argument/counter-argument) but the writer has used their evidence to prove their point, hence they do not just have an opinion but they know they are correct.

Definition BIG DEBATABLE QUESTION: a question connected to society that has a yes or no answer.

PBAT Questions:

  • Do police respond equally to all people in American society?

  • Is the United States government doing enough to counter climate change?

  • Is the climate crisis experience the same for all people who live in the United States?

  • In order to fight climate change, NYC should ______________________________.

  • Do immigrants help or hurt American society?

  • This is the biggest problem in NYC right now and I believe we need to: ________________________.

    1. Affordable Housing

    2. Climate Change

    3. Police Reform

    4. Crime

    5. Poverty and Racial Inequality

    6. Segregated Education

Writing Resources for PBAT