
9th and 10th

This class is about discovering who you are as a reader and how texts offer ways of getting to know others and the world. We will be developing a community centered on perspective-shifting discourse around topics that interest you. Discussion allows us to “hear” an author and others’ different perspectives, strengthening your ability to be compassionate, to learn, and to make convincing arguments. You will:

  • Read “wide awake”, meaningfully engaged and aware of your own thoughts while also attending to the meaning intended by the author.

  • Lead discussions where you listen to and learn from each others’ perspectives, a necessary skill for civic engagement in a democratic society.

  • Read independently texts you enjoy and build the skills and knowledge you need about language to effectively communicate.

  • Research topics and issues you care about.

Enduring Understandings

  • Every reader has a purpose for reading

  • Purposes for reading literary, narrative and non fiction texts

  • Nonfiction text types, features and structures (depending on text) and their purposes

  • Common questions for analyzing nonfiction texts

  • Sources must be carefully vetted


This class is about discovering who you are as a reader and how texts offer ways of getting to know others and the world. We will be developing a community centered on perspective-shifting discourse around topics that interest you. Discussion allows us to “hear” an author and others’ different perspectives, strengthening your ability to be compassionate, to learn, and to make convincing arguments. You will:

  • Read “wide awake”, meaningfully engaged and aware of your own thoughts while also attending to the meaning intended by the author.

  • Lead discussions where you listen to and learn from each others’ perspectives, a necessary skill for civic engagement in a democratic society.

  • Read independently texts you enjoy and build the skills and knowledge you need about language to effectively communicate.

  • Research topics and issues you care about.

Enduring Understandings

  • Every reader has a purpose for reading

  • Purposes for reading literary, narrative and non fiction texts

  • Nonfiction text types, features and structures (depending on text) and their purposes

  • Common questions for analyzing nonfiction texts

  • Sources must be carefully vetted