
Visual Arts

Studio art is a class offered at BXIHS which gives students the opportunity to explore a variety of different artistic mediums while also finding their voice as community activists and artists. The visual art curriculum is based off of the DOE blueprint for the arts guidelines and closely tied in to material students are learning in their core classes. The studio art class was developed as a way to scaffold and deepen student's understanding of common core subjects. Studio art gives students the opportunity to develop their art portfolios as well as participate in city wide art competitions. These unique opportunities help BXIHS students distinguish themselves among other college applicants. The studio art class is a safe space for students to express themselves and learn about their classmates' diverse cultures while bridging the language gap through artistic expression. The studio art class is offered for all students grades 9-12 and offers students a challenging and stimulating curriculum for them to develop their artistic style and the opportunity to pursue futur artistic endeavors.