Comparing Stone Age to Bronze Age


(By Anna Maria) Today we learnt to compare the Bronze Age to the stone age. We wrote 4 different paragraphs about clothes, food, shelters and tools. We had to write the differences from how the stone age people would do that subject and how the Bronze age people would do that subject. We learned some new words (like smelting, nomadic, furnace, durable, whereas) during today's lesson and really helped us in our writing.

Clothes (By Hannah)

During the Stone Age, people would get skins from animals if they could find them if they are relaxing or maybe somewhere in the Forest or near their shelters. However in the Bronze Age, they would loom up some clothes so they can get warm and cosy in their clothes, and can loom whatever they want to loom!

Food (By Lucas)

Bronze Age people invented farming just in case they did not catch anything on their hunt. They also traded for food in return for something.

Shelter (By Rahman)

During the stone age they made their shelter with twigs,leafs and sticks

Tools/Weapons. (By Precious)

During Stone Age, cavemen used very simple and basic tools such as huge stones and flint. However in the bronze age they use weapons made of bronze and they also use obsidian and blades