Arts Festival

2/7/18 Arts Festival Fortnight!

For the next two weeks, our theme is all about the arts: singing, dancing, poetry, performance and creating artwork! We will be focusing on Jazz...

Have a look at some of the pictures below:

2/7/18 Festival of Voices 2018!!!

This picture is back stage at the Hackney Empire, just before the curtain rose and the children sang! (Lots of excited and nervous children!)

Performing to all the parents. The children did a very professional job and sounded amazing!

3/7/18 Junk Orchestra!

Today we were visited by the junk orchestra. We made music out of things that were rubbish such as bike wheels, flip-flops and plastic bins:


Today we tried to make prints inspired by art deco which was popular in the '20s and '30s when jazz was also growing in popularity. We made some designs, etched them into blocks and then printed them onto our fabric.


Next we had to learn to sew them together to make a patchwork from our whole class. Turns out sewing can be a little bit tricky!!

And we learnt a poem and performed it to the class using percussion instruments

12/7/18 Arts Festival!

Today we performed our dance and presented our artwork in a parade in the village green! Then parents could come into our rooms and either learn the dance, create a piece of art based on cubism or become a jazz DJ and create music using the iPads.

Can you spot the musical instruments hidden in these pieces of art?