Highs and Lows of the 20th Cenury

We are reading Goodnight Mr Tom and will be writing a letter and a narrative based on the Book. These pictures are us getting into character and doing some acting as Willie Beech. We were thinking about what he would say to his mother (who is a pretty horrible lady) in a letter!

We visited the Imperial War Museum to learn about World War 1 and World War 2. We sketched a lot of the amazing things we saw and even filmed a documentary for Smash TV!

When we were at the Imperial War Museum we were challenged to make documentaries about the things we discovered. Have a watch!


We learned about how we see objects and designed periscopes to see over the tops of trenches - and our desks!

We designed our own memorials using 3D design software on our Chromebooks!

We created presentations about the Treaty of Versailles, Hyperinflation and the Great Depression. We learnt about how these caused WW2

Rome and Avvab
Gabriella,Ashley and Cally
Treaty of Versailles - Harry, Nana
Sofia, Daniella Tyra-Kay
Angela and Yasin
The Great Depression
Maya and Wahab
Emily and Zala
Presentation- Hassan and Sonia

We visited HMS Belfast. It was the first ship to fire its guns on D-Day and sunk the German battle cruiser 'Scharnhorst' during WW2. We went around the whole ship, including the engine rooms!