A Better World

A Better World Topic Web Autumn.docx

We visited the Crystal to learn about sustainability. Whilst we were there we designed our own sustainable building and learnt about how pollution affects animals with Zoolab. We held a cockroach, a millipede and a snake!

Sustainability Survey

We redesigned Britannia Village with more sustainable technologies. This means less pollution and cheaper electricity!

We calculated our carbon footprint and reflected on what this carbon dioxide does to the world. We also considered how we could lessen our carbon footprint

Avvab Aswat - My Carbon Footprint
Abdul Wahab Aliyu - My Carbon Footprint
Gabriella Darfour - My Carbon Footprint

We used our new knowledge to redesign Britannia Village as a more sustainable community. Here are some of our models.

We wrote information texts about climate change and sustainability. We thought about what this could mean for the future of Britannia Village. Take a look!

We wrote speeches and some of us ran for School Council!