Reception 2019-2020

Star Class- Brittany

Moon Class- Kathryn

Sun Class- Rebecca

Welcome to the start of a new school year! We have a really busy schedule ahead of us and we're looking forward to learning lots of new things.

Our work will focus around two topics. Our first topic is 'A Better World' with a special focus on litter in Britannia Village and around our classroom. The second topic is 'A day in the life of...' where we will be learning about ourselves, our friends and the wider community around us.

In Reading, we will be learning and acting out various stories during Talking Tables sessions. We will also introduce 'Talk for Writing' sessions where children will learn the story 'Handa's Surprise' and 'The Gingerbread Man.'

In Maths, we will begin with number work and will be learning all about numbers up to 20. We will also be learning about pattern and order and finally we will learn about length and size, and how to compare them.