Meal Delivery

Meal Delivery Plan April 13-May 1

During the week of April 13- 17 we will be distributing meals on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday only. We will be distributing multiple meals at one time. For example, on Monday the sacks will include lunch for Monday & Tuesday and breakfast for Tuesday & Wednesday.

From April 20-May 1 we will be distributing meals on Tuesday and Thursday only.

Meals can be picked up from Blue Ridge Elementary School from 11:00-1:00. Meals are FREE for all kids 18 and under. We will also be delivering meals into town at the corner of Elm Cir. & Oak St. from 12:00-12:30.

Blue Ridge ISD will be delivering meals throughout the community during this school closure. If you are unable to pickup a meal from Blue Ridge Elementary, please complete the following information to request meal delivery to your location. Once a request is received we will begin delivering daily.

BRISD Transportation Director Michael Gelvin will contact you to inform you of the expected time of delivery.

Questions? Email