Counselor Resources

College & Career Readiness

Go on a virtual college visit!

Follow this LINK for tips and tricks on how to visit colleges virtually.

SAT Test Prep

Follow this LINK to Khan Academy's SAT Test Prep site.

Crisis Response

Guidance Activities

What is a Worry Warrior?

What Exactly is Worry?

What Does Worry Feel Like?

Can I Control Worrying?

What if I Feel Out of Control?

How Does Worry Affect Me?

Are My Worries Legit?

Can I Change My Worries?

Parent Resources

External Counseling links

Mental Health & Self Care

5-4-3-2-1 Grounding Exercise

Grounding is a technique that helps us reorient to the here and now, to bring us into the present. They are a useful technique if you ever feel overwhelmed, intensely anxious, or dissociated from your environment. The “54321 game” is common sensory awareness grounding exercise that many find a helpful tool to relax or get through difficult moments.


1. Describe 5 things you see in the room.

2. Name 4 things you can feel (“my feet on the floor” or “the air in my nose”)

3. Name 3 things you hear right now (“traffic outside”)

4. Name 2 things you can smell right now (or 2 smells you like)

5. Name 1 good thing about yourself

You should feel calmer and more at ease by the end of the exercise. Repeat the 5 steps more than once if needed.

Try out the technique in different situations, you may find it works well for insomnia, anxiety, cravings when quitting smoking or for general relaxation.

These resources have been provided by Blue Ridge ISD Guidance Counselors Rebecca Kay and Missy Douglas.

Both Counselors are available on days school is in session from 8:00am until 4:00pm.