
If you're here, it may mean that you're having a tough time right now, and you feel a bit overwhelmed.  The goal of this page is to provide calming activities that can help you regulate and deal with your emotions in a safe, healthy and scientifically proven way.  Please make yourself at home, get comfortable and have a look around.  Reach out to Mrs. Ingersoll if you would like someone to talk to about what you're feeling. This website does not take the place of talking to trusted adults in your life and medical professionals.  If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health, reach out for help immediately.  There are some resources listed on the mental health page below.  If it is an emergency, call 911. 


YMCA 360 On Demand- YMCA Health & Fitness Videos

Fitness Blender- Free Workout Videos

Les Mills On Demand- Over 800 free workouts, including dance


What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is the process of centering one's self; focusing on the here and now, and driving away, to the greatest extent, the distractions that compete with our sanity and peace of mind. Gaining a sense of control in one's life is the ultimate purpose, beginning with learning how to control your breathing. Once some basic sense of control is attained, efforts can begin to be made at controlling thoughts and feelings.

Resources for Mindfulness

Mindfulness for Teens



A 5-Minute Breathing Meditation To Cultivate Mindfulness

The S.T.O.P. Practice for Stress

Nine Ways Mindfulness Reduces Stress