Home Workouts

Complete workout before you go on your "Wednesday Walk"

  • Push-up plank - hold for 3 sets/30 seconds

  • Push-up plank - Shoulder taps 3 sets/30 seconds

  • Push-ups 5 X 6

  • Air squats 5 X 8

  • Step - ups 3 sets/10 each leg ... use a chair

  • Tricep dips ... use a chair

  • Side lunges 15 each leg

  • Bicycles (Abs) 3 sets/30 seconds

  • Crunches 3 X 10

Once you are done, go for a MILE cool-down walk. NO jogging, running, biking, etc... just walk.

Start at level 1, meaning 3 sets of each exercise. for example -

The first exercise, "10 side kicks", you would do 3 sets of 10 side kicks... follow the workout in order. You can rest for 2 minutes between exercises.

Once you finish the entire workout, 1 mile walk!

21 Min EMOM Workout

"Every Minute On the Minute"

First, start a running clock for 20 minutes.

At the start of every minute, you will begin the exercise. If you finish with time to spare, rest until that minute is up. Begin the next exercise when the next minute starts. When you get to 20 minutes, you completed the EMOM workout.

Coach Gaylets EMOM workout

  1. Air Squats - 8-10 + 4 Jumping Lunges (each side)

  2. Max effort push-ups - 8-10

  3. Crunches - 8-10

Coach Gaylets 20 minute "AMRAP" workout

AMRAP - As Many Rounds As Possible

  1. 25 Jumping jacks

  2. 20 jumping lunges

  3. 15 crunches

  4. 10 air squats

  5. 5 push-ups

Once you finish push-ups, repeat 1 through 5 until 20 minutes is up. See how many times you can do 1-5 in 20 minutes.

Ava's Lower body/core challenge - NO UPPER BODY ... :(

This workout will be in total 10 minutes long and you get to go at your own pace.

Remember the goal of this workout is to do as many as you can in a minute but you have to do it for the whole minute . In this workout there will be no breaks and you are only allowed to rest when the ten minutes is up.

First minute- squats

Second minute- lunges

Third minute- russian twists

Fourth minute- bicycles

Fifth minute- sit ups

Sixth minute- jumping jacks

Seventh minute- butt kicks

Eighth minute- run in place

Ninth minute- lunges

Tenth minute- russian twists

Kiarra's EMOM

  • Start the timer at 20 min. You will do the 4 different workouts 5 times that are shown below.


  • Squats 6-7

  • Jumping lunges 6-7

  • Push ups 6-7

  • Jumping jacks 6-9

Ava’s Workout 2.0

For this workout there will be little if any upper body workout since I understand how miserable those are. For this workout you will be given a one minute break at the halfway point since I am feeling a little generous today. Your Welcome lol. I always like to do it at your own pace workouts so that is exactly what this is. Like my last workout you will have to do as many of that type of workout in that minute that you possibly can. I have included some new workouts to try so that we haven't done in class before! This will be in total ten minutes since I want y'all to give it your all for these ten minutes. Remember to do as many as you can of that exercise in the minute you are given!!!

First minute - regular squats

Second minute- single leg squats

Third minute- Russian twists (please actually lean back)

Forth minute- bent over lateral leg raises. (look up if you don't know what it is).

Fifth minute - v-sit ( please try to stay in this position for full minute I know it might hurt).

One minute break if needed ( you shouldn't really need it though)

Sixth minute - knee tuck crunch

Seventh minute- lunges

Eighth minute - Russian twists

Ninth minute- plank for one minute

Tenth minute - jumping jacks (something easy to cool off with)

Raphaella Perry -


5 pushups

5 burpees

5 jumping lunges

5 crunches

hold pushup for 10 seconds

hold wall sit for 10 seconds

repeat until you cant do it anymore

Count how many rounds you complete

First warm-up with... 'ELF' Workout then complete... 10 Min Full Body (Beginners)



(Challenging) - SLAM DUNK


FINISH an entire word, your choices are above. Do each exercise that correlates with the letter. Don't stop until you finish the entire word or phrase!

Vaping Article

Read article and write a 2 paragraph summary. At least 5 sentences per paragraph. Once you are finished, complete one workout from the list above.

:The Risk of Another Epidemic: Teenage Vaping

  1. Click on link above.

  2. Read the article

  3. Create your own Google Doc.

  4. Title the Google Doc "Why vaping is harmful for me"

  5. *** Write 5 reasons why vaping is harmful for you. THEN...

  6. *** Summarize the article in 2 paragraphs. Each paragraph must be at least 4 sentences long.


I should receive a document from you by the end of the day - 3/31.

In the document I will see 5 reasons why vaping is personally harmful for you then I will see 2 paragraphs that are written in your own words summarizing the article you read.

Email or share the Doc with me - sgaylets@bridgesprep.org.

Summarize WITHOUT copying and pasting from article!!!!!!!

... I will know if you copy and paste!