Home Activities

Use these activities in your free time. Feel free to come up with your own variations.

Basketball shootout, beat the clock!

Don't have a basketball or a hoop? NO PROBLEM! Be creative, a laundry basket, garbage can, tupperware, or even an empty box, can be used as a basketball hoop. No basketball? NO PROBLEM! Ball up a pair of socks, paper, stuffed animal, or even an empty water battle for your "basketball". Set the "hoop" far enough away to challenge yourself. You can lay out on the floor and set the hoop your body length away. Try to make 5 in a row, then 10, then 15. If that gets too easy go further back. You can put your "hoop" on a chair to add a little more difficulty. Still too easy? set up a shooting line 8 ft, 10 ft,12 ft, and then 14 ft away. Set a timer for 60 seconds. Try to make a basket from each shooting line within 60 seconds. Each time you make a basket, retrieve the ball and advance to the next line. If you miss, you have to keep shooting at that line until you make one! If you make all the baskets in 60 seconds, you win! Then, try to beat your time Try this with your family!

DO NOT use anything that might break as your hoop or ball. You will need a lot of space, stay away from windows, lamps, vases, fish tanks, etc. Make sure you get your parents approval before doing this activity.

Chalk calculator

Draw a calculator on your sidewalk/driveway using chalk. Make sure to draw +,-, x, /, =. create your own math problems or have your family create problems for you. Say the problem is "2+2=?" You will have to frog hop to the "2", then "+", then "2", then "=", and then your answer, "4". If this is correct, create a new problem or switch with your family member and create a problem for them.

Challenge yourself and the people you are playing with. Please don't just use 2+2...

Speed stacking activities


Obstacle course. Build your own course. Outdoor obstacle courses will work better than inside courses, and you make a mess of your house. Make sure to make courses that will make you jumping, crawling, leaping, etc. Use what you have around the house, for example- water hose/sprinkler, tree branches, steps, chairs, cones, items that you can balance, etc. Set a timer and try to beat your time through the course. Challenge your family to go through the course.

"Sally" push-up challenge. First, get permission to listen to the song "Flower" by Moby. To complete the challenge, you have to follow the lyrics to the song during the exercise. For example, get in a push-up position - flat back, hands shoulder width apart. When the song says "bring Sally up"... push yourself up. "Bring Sally down, go down in the push-up position. Try to complete the entire song without dropping to the ground or giving up. You can do the same challenge doing squats.

Deck of cards fitness challenge

Using a deck of cards determine which exercises pertains to each card suit.

For example, spade = squats, hearts = push-ups, clubs = jumping jacks, diamonds = burpees. Turn a card over and do the number of the exercise you get. Do as many cards as you can until you can finish a deck of cards. You can do this activity with everyone in your family, take turns flipping over your card and exercising.


Warm-up - jog for 5 min. or run in place

Lunge series - 10 on each side

  • forward lunges

  • side lunges

  • backward lunges

Wall sits 3 X 2 min., so 3 sets of wall sits for 2 minutes

Squats 2 X 10, so 2 sets of 10 squats.

Hold yourself up in push-up position

  • 5 X 30 sec., so hold yourself up in push-up position for 5 sets, 30 seconds each set

Push-ups 3 sets... do 4, 6, and then 10 push-ups


  • 2 X 10, so 2 sets of 10 burpees

Buccaneer Challenge ... part 2

Complete this challenge if you passed the challenge above -

  • Warm-up 5 min. jog or run in place

  • Lunge series - 10 on each side

    • forward lunges

    • side lunges

    • backward lunges

  • Wall sits 3 X 3 min.

  • Squats 3 X 10

  • Push-ups 5 X 5

  • Burpees 3 X 8

  • 6 Inches, 1 min.

  • 25 Crunches

Extreme BUC

  • Push-ups 10 X 5

  • Push-up plank 5 X 1 min.

  • "Sally" Squat Challenge

  • Lunge series - 10 on each side

    • Forward

    • Side

    • Backwards

  • Burpees - 25 times

  • Crunches - 25 times

  • Russian Twists - 25 EACH SIDE

  • Squats 25 times